Saeyoung choi/707 x mc(reader) after ending imagine

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As the day continues to pass, my fear begins to grow. Knowing that my twin brother, Saeran, is alive, it completely reeled me back to where I didn’t want to be. I didn’t want to feel that powerless again. I didn’t want to feel that I couldn’t help him and so, I left. I took up hacking in hopes that I could give the both of us a better future, so that I could tear him away from our abusive mother.

I’ve been getting more dreams about him. Dreams of where we shared good times together such as sneaking out to let Saeran see the sky and bringing him ice cream. I treasured those moments we shared and I could never forget them and yet, why did he? Just what the hell did Mint Eye do to my own brother?

Whatever it was, I’m never going to forgive them.

[Approximately 100.24km… Searching for the best route… Using 101 freeway… 210.72km…]


Ah, right… I forgot that I was with someone…  That I wasn’t alone. That someone was there to call out my name.

I turned to look behind me and I see [Name]. She looked at me with concern in her eyes.

                 “It’s okay. You don’t have to give me the phone. I’m listening.”

                She shook her head, “No, that wasn’t what I was going to say. Saeyoung, you—”

                “So you just sit still and rest up, alright?” I say as I turned my seat back to face the laptop in front of me.


                “We’re getting closer… That means he’s still alive… Nothing’s been done to him…”

I feel my eyes are about to swell. The idea that I could see my brother again and be happy with him along with [Name]… I feel like I don’t deserve it. But, if I say that, I feel like [Name] is going to lecture me again and scowl at me. After all, I promised her that I will be happy with her, and with my brother Saeran.

I took a deep breath, “That means if we keep going, we’d find him tomorrow already.”

                “Saeyoung!” I jumped from my seat at the tone she used.

 I turn back again and I see her angrily pouting. Not to mention, she patted the space beside her on the bed. I wasn’t tired but, when [Name] pouts like that, I don’t think she’d stop until I actually go there.

                “Alright, alright…” I sighed in defeat as I got up from my seat, “So stop pouting angrily like that. What would you do if that permanently stays…”

I walked over to my bed and sat myself down on the edge of the bed and angled myself to face her. [Name] moved in closer and wrapped her slender arms around me. She rested her chin on my shoulder, “You’re thinking about your brother and the Mint Eye, weren’t you?”

My eyes dilated. I sighed afterwards. I knew I couldn’t keep anything from her. She pulled back.

                “Did it show?” I questioned, wearing a smile.

She tapped my nose lightly and nodded, “It was really obvious. Why?”

                “A-Ah…” the smile I wore melted away immediately, “I-It’s because…”

[Name] then took my hand into hers. I felt her tenderness and warmth take over me. In a few seconds, I felt calmer. I took a deep breath, then I finally answered, “I’ve been getting dreams about Saeran lately…”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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To leave my existence with you saeyoung choi xf!mc. (reader)Where stories live. Discover now