Chapter Four - Adaptation To A New Place

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Days went into weeks, then into months and years, and before I knew it, I was tutored by one of the trusted women, who is a vampire and who is a longtime friend of him. At first, studying was hard, but within a short time, I got the hang of everything, and eventually, I graduated and earned my degrees.

I was a certified student who held a high school diploma, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, and a PhD degree. I was proud of myself and my achievements, as was Dracula, who attended all.

I was put in a private class without the others, as Dracula didn't want to risk losing me and felt the need to constantly watch over me and worry whenever I left the house without a bodyguard. Life really took a turn, and I began working with Dracula in his corporation.

The Dra was a known success in the vampire world, and he became a known class leader when ruling both his company and his kingdom. I admired him so much that eventually I began falling in love with him.

His love for me never wavered and grew stronger with each passing day as the years went by. And today, I was celebrating my birthday, and I didn't want many people, which he respected. I just wanted a little birthday celebration between the both of us.

At my suggestion, he bought a cake and celebrated alongside me, and I was really grateful for that. I was now twenty-five years old, and I was now a full-blown adult. I was really happy that I thanked him, and he said that it was totally fine.

Little one, here, take this present that I got for you, he said. And when I took it, it was a car key, and I gasped.

I was beyond shocked when he told me to go outside and see the car that he got for me. When I got out of the house, I saw a Bugatti Veyron parked right in front of the house, staring at me like a prized souvenir.

I was happy and hugged him for his generosity and all that he had done for me, and I couldn't be more grateful for what he had done for me during the past years that I had spent with him.

My birthday had come to a blissful end, and I decided to head up to our room to change and come downstairs and see him, as he had to attend some guests who appeared for the occasion, which was celebrated by me.

As I went to the room, I removed my makeup, applied my skincare products to my face, and headed to the bathroom to shower. After I was done, I left the bathroom, wore my nightwear, and left the room, straight to his office.

When I got there, what I saw broke my heart so badly that I felt stupid for trusting him and letting myself feel he was the most perfect man. Here, I foolishly thought that I was the only girl in his world that could run his world with mine.

Why today of all days? The fucking thing is that it was my birthday, and he had the guts to do this to me on my special day. Like, what the fuck would he stoop this low and kiss a lady in his office at this time of the hour?

So this was the reason he had asked me to go shower and hurriedly left, claiming that he had some guests who came for the occasion to entertain and have some meetings with. And here, I was like, fine, and the fucking guests appeared to be a lady kissing him at this ungodly hour in his office.

I didn't say anything or even disturb their little love affair or his cheating scandal, and I hurriedly walked away by taking the nearest car keys and left the house straight to my best friend's house.

I called her, and at the second ring, she picked up and asked me what was up. And I began crying and telling her that I was almost home at her house. I couldn't explain to her why I was crying and just kept crying while talking.

Baby girl, Jen called. Please be careful out there and don't cry, love. Make sure you drive safely to my home, and the door is unlocked for you to come in when you're there. We are going to have a girls time and some champagne for ourselves.

And I hung up, parked at the side of the road, and made sure I was stable enough to drive. I began driving straight to her apartment, and when I arrived, I parked the car and walked in.

Hey, girl, Jen said as she came up to engulf me in a hug, and I began wailing and crying my heart until it was content enough to begin speaking. And when I explained what had happened, it made me cry.

She was furious at what he did and tried to cheer me up, and after a while, she suggested a girls night at a club to cheer me up as I partied to my heart's content and maybe got laid there with a good-looking man.

I giggled at her idea, and we both went to her room and got dressed. I wore a mini shirt gown that showed my curves with slutty makeup on, and she wore a strapless mini dress with nude makeup on.

I wore red bottom heels, and she wore a box heel to match her outfit. As we were done, we took pictures and left for the nightclub where I was going to get laid tonight.

Both holding hands, we entered the club after we gave the bouncer our IDs and walked into the club like we owned it. The nightclub was blasting and bumming with loud music, and when we got there, we began dancing to the rhythm of the song.

I was high with music as I danced and shook my hands like I had no care in the world. No more Dracula and any world that belonged to him. I was alone in the dancehall, as Jen had ditched me and gone after a guy who came to dance with her.

While I danced to the beat of the music, I decided to go use the toilet because I was so pressed. When I entered the toilet, I felt a hand covering my mouth, and before I could scream at whoever was holding me from behind,

Everything went black and silent as my world fell into chaos, and now Dracula wasn't here to save me as he didn't know where I was, and when he finds out that I left without a guard, he is going to be so mad at me. But it was his fault and not mine, because he was the reason I left.

I just needed him to come save me from the situation that I just entered, despite being angry with him for cheating on me with her.

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