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"My Lord?"
I have twenty-four hours left to find something that resembles proof of an attack; anything that will convince old Great Fire to join our side or at the very least, return what's mine. I wasn't expecting this to be so difficult, clearly both I and Roman drastically underestimated Brock's level head.

When Theodore Beech informed us of the Mother Luna's murder, we knew it would only be a matter of time before the Kings' beast would emerge; and I was confident that Deimos would head straight for Weeping Sun - hoping that Meredith would be here. Setting the little trap of Vampires for him was supposed to be the thing that turned the tide; the event that proved the Lycans made the first move. I didn't bank on him being so clear of head that any possible evidence I could've used would be gone.

What remains the bastard is now using to levy a 'political' war; and I know Great Fire will never back the Vampires.
And I may never see my love again.

I can already feel my hold over her weakening. The distance between us is greater than miles, my hunger for her has left me starving and weak - like some wretched Young'un, rabid and unrefined; a shell of my former self. I need the blissful taste and feel of her blood under my skin, her rose scented moisturizer lightly coating her delicate form, her cries that satisfy my sensitive hearing. Frustration I haven't felt in over a decade burns through me in a petulant inferno. I need her.

I won Meredith. I've loved her, kept her safe, provided for her and kept her healthy for all this time. She's lived her life with me as nothing less than a Queen. Dressed in luxury, eating the finest foods and lived under my protection; which is far more than any of those dogs can claim.
Meredith is mine.

"My Lord Corvin"
"What?!" this squirrelly little shit interrupting my train of thought jumps back. I'll never know how Roman copes with so many of these Young'uns around him; they're constantly on the move - always needing something to do or wanting to feed. Personally, I prefer the more seasoned turned, they're much easier to control and much less annoying. But the Young'uns are good for speed and stamina.. if they're properly fed.

"You have vizzitor" the twitching teen hisses, barely able to contain himself as the figure steps around him. His beady cherry eyes honing in on the bulging vein in the Lycan's neck. I'd happily let the kid feed on this fucker, much like Brock - I can't stand the sight of this particular Blackfur.
Snapping my fingers at him, the enraptured demon jumps out of his trance.

"Be gone" he scuttles away in a blur and I'm left to deal with the unwelcome guest. It's for his own good anyway, Lycan blood is the last thing he wants to consume.

Standing several paces before my uninvited guest, I intentionally don't sit down, nor do I offer him a seat. "To what do I owe the displeasure?" He grins at my tone.
"Is that any way to speak to a King?"
I'm not in the mood for this. I'm hungry and sex starved, two things you don't want in a Vampire. "I answer to the Dark Mother and her alone" grinning "And you are nothing but a Rogue, Bane the Disgraced"
He snarls "The Dark Mother weeps under the light of the Moon; even she knows her place beneath true power" switching his mood he smiles "And I've come for what belongs to me"
"And what would that be?"
The bastard closes the gap between us "Meredith"

My insides burn, this time with a need to rip this thing into ground beef. If he thinks I'd ever hand over my Meredith then he's out of his mind. I know the truth of who Bane really is, I witnessed the abuse he inflicted on his wife and I'd never let my Meredith; my love fall back into the hands of a Blackfur.

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