The bowling alley.

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I got up and grabbed my suitcase opening it grabbing a shirt, pants and boxers I closed it and walked to the bathroom I closed the door placing down my clothes grabbing a towel setting it on my clothes I start the shower, I rubbed my hair putting some shampoo on it and putting body wash on me, I looked up and saw a shadow figure but the room was foggy so I couldn't make out who that was, I closed the shower grabbing the towel and seeing Eddie
"oh hey" I say while wrapping the towel around me "uh- hey!" Eddie stuttered while looking down "need something?" I asked
"just wanted to say get ready.." Eddie still stuttered "oh yeah!" I said Eddie closed the door, I grab my clothes putting it on and dried my hair with the blow dryer, I grab my phone and hoodie and went downstairs heading towards the kitchen, I took a monster and snacks putting it in my pocket I open the monster drinking it we all went in separate cars I ate one of my snacks
The bowling alley
We all entered the building and waited for josh and narrator to get our shoes, I got up and went to the bathroom I entered a stall and pissed I heard the door open pulling up my pants flushing the toilet I exited the stall seeing mully
"what's up?" I ask "need to take a shit!" Mully said making me laugh I washed my hands
"we got all our shoes yours is with liv" mully said "alright!" I said then closed the sink drying my hands while walking out, I walked to liv she handed me my shoes I sat down taking off my shoes and putting on the bowling shoes, we all went to our lane sitting down we talked and went one by one I was talking with mully while Eddie threw the ball and got 4 pins down
"not bad!" Gabby shouted Kristy went up then threw the ball getting 6 pins down "wow!" Amber was amazed, I was next after gabby she got 2 pins down then it was my turn I grabbed a ball throwing it getting 8 pins down I walked back to my seat "sooo... cool!" Josh mocked me, then was talking with liv, I looked around "Ima go to the bathroom real quick" liv said "alright" I said then josh got up grabbing a ball then threw it getting 2 pins down we jokingly clapped
"shut up!" Josh shouted making all of us laughed making him laugh, we all had a great time together I checked my phone 9:39 pm we all got up since the bowling alley was closing we gave our shoes back and put on our shoes and we all went back
Eddie's place
We all went inside, the others went up to sleep I sat on the couch with mully, grant, and eddie we decided to drink except grant, he decided to take some edibles, I was 6 drinks in we were all laying down laughing and talking
"can we appreciate Eddie for being over there.." mully said mumbling "bro what?" I said confused we all laughed and then Eddie almost fell over we all laughed at him for about 5 minutes, "my stomach is hurting!" Grant said while trying to take a breather "more beer?" Eddie said while getting up "sure man" mully said trying to grab his phone, hearing something fall made me turn around, Eddie just fell on the ground making me laugh, Eddie got up grabbing us more whiskey and crawled to us making us laugh more "are you a dog man?" Grant said laughing "shut up!" Eddie shouted giving us each whiskey we all drank it, I felt drowsy so I set the drink on the coffee table and laid back the others set theirs and laidback too, I felt tired then I slept on the couch
Eddie's pov
I saw juicy sleeping and the others I started feeling tired so I slept again.

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