About the cats {Founders}

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Sweetstar: A medium  bengal she-cat with cyan eyes. She has all 9 lives left. her age is 133 moons.  She is loyal, clever and natural intuition. she is the leader of the clan

Mottledfrost: She is a calico she-cat with long fur and cobalt eyes. she is 40 moons old. She is lonesome, a good mediator and natural intuition. she is the deputy of the clan

Lakepeak: A bengal tom with short fur and pale yellow eyes. He is 15 moons old. he is insecure and a great teacher he is the medicine cat of the clan

Perchtooth: A smoke she-cat with short fur and copper eyes. She is 87 moons old. She is Adventurous, a great hunter and a good speaker. she is a warrior of the clan

Heronstem: a singlestripe she-cat with medium fur and silver  eyes. She is 73 moons old. She is a nervous she-cat, she's a masterful storyteller and a good fighter. She is a warrior of the clan

Honeydazzle: A singlecolor trans-female with short fur and yellow eyes. She is 51 moons old. She is compassionate and a beloved kitsitter.  she is a warrior of the clan

Coldash: A speckled tom with long fur and cyan eyes. He is 16 moons old. He is insecure and clever. he is a warrior of the clan.

Blotchkit: A tabby tom with medium fur and yellow eyes. He is 5 moons old. He is bossy and has an active imagination. He is a kit.

Lauralkit: A marbled she with short fur and hazel eyes. She is 1 moon old. She is charming and can never sit still. She is a kit.

Hootkit: A bengal she with medium fur and grey eyes. She is 2 moons old. She is insecure and is quick to make peace. She is a kit

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