The Crew

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Willow's POV:

"Willow wake the fuck up you lazy bum!" Shouts Hayden as he grabs my pillow from under my head and starts smacking me with it. " We don't have time for you to be sleeping! Don't make me get Noah!" I groan as Hayden continues to shout so I finally sit up and criss cross my legs. I then rub my face before opening them to meet Hayden's. 

"Good, now that you're awake and up, get dressed and meet the crew in the white room."Demands Hayden so I nod to show I understand and watch as Hayden disappears in approval. I take a moment and collect my thoughts before getting up and getting dressed. 

For the people who are confused about what is happening. I have the pleasure of creating a room called the white room( it's exactly what it sounds like) in my head, where me and the crew meet up and discuss certain items for the week. My crew sits at tables while I'm in the center explaining what new things have occurred and our goals for the week. 

I quickly fumbled around my room grabbing a plain red shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, White socks, and my black converse. Changing quickly then brushing my hair, teeth, put some lit make-up on before going into my head, creating the room. 

"Alright gang, your girls awake and ready." I say smiling at all my friends to which I'm met with some warm smiles and soft glares. 

"We've been sitting here for over 40 minutes Will." Says Kody giving me a soft glare. 

"Well I'm sorry. I decided to stay up a little late and I promise to not keep you guys waiting again so bear with me a little today." I say as I give Kody a sweet smile before sitting at my table in the center of the group. 

"Alright for this week's agenda, nothing major is happening so we can relax a little but still be on high alert for any crimes that may rise throughout the week. As a further ad do I have a question for you all." I say looking at each and every one of my crew members or as they like to call themselves, "my guardians." 

"What's up?" Ask Ace to my left.

"I was wondering if It's alright if I hangout at your guy's place throughout the week for fun if you guys don't mind of course! I've been wondering what it's like kinda living in your guy's shoes since you all have seen my reality and stuff." I speak softly and avoid eye contact not really sure how this conversation is gonna play out. 

"Sure why not." says Colten who is sitting in front of me. "I think that would help you become a better hero for each of our societies as well as "having fun" per say. " He gives me a wink and I can't help but feel excited for this new adventure to start. 

"Which house would you like to stay at first?" Ask Xavier from my right. 

"Um how about I stay with Haley first and then I will go from there." I say looking at Haley for a yes or no. 

"That would be great! I will see you at my house!" Squeals Haley before disappearing to get ready. I giggle to myself before saying my goodbyes to the rest of them and returning back to my head space as well as my room. I walk over to my closet to grab my gray duffel bag and start to pack a pair of clothes, Pj's, deodorant, toothbrush & tooth paste, phone charger, my small stuffed frog, perfume, air pods, and wallet. I then zip my bag before using teleportation to Haley's front door, knocking and soon being greeted by one of her dads, Bum Geon Woo/ Mr. Woo. 

(A/N) I am using the dude from, The Dangerous Convenience Store Story, if anyone was wondering

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(A/N) I am using the dude from, The Dangerous Convenience Store Story, if anyone was wondering. I will explain more about why I'm using him in the next part.

"Ah hello Willow. I see you're all ready for your sleepover." He says in a soft but manly tone. 

"Oh yes sir, I'm really glad you have agreed to let me stay the night. I'm sorry if I'm a bother." I say shyly as I look down at my feet and fidget with my fingers. 

"It's really no problem at all. I'm just glad to see my daughter has made a good friend." He says in a softer tone. "Why don't you come in and I will show you to Haley's room." He says as he gestures for me to walk in. 

"Oh alright." I say as I slip by him and wait for him to lead the way. He walks past me and walks down the hallway to our left. We walk down to the last door on the right and he knocks once. 

"Coming!" says Haley on the other side. She opens the door and smiles when she see's me. "Glad you decided to hangout with me first!" I give her a smile and watch as she gestures for me to come in her room. The moment I step inside I'm greeted with a soft smell of a strawberry candle and Pink LED lights. 

I'm definitely starting this week off right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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