Zayn Malik Imagine

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You were so excited. You and your amazing boyfriend Zayn were finally going to meet again. He had been on tour with the boys and he finally gets a break to come and see you. But you were also worried. How were you going to tell him that you were pregnant with his child? You were already 3 months pregnant. But you're wearing one of his shirts so you can't see the baby bump. But hopefully he wouldn't notice....

You grin as you hear that Zayn's plane has finally landed as it has been delayed for two hours. You were buzzing and could barely contain yourself. "(Y/N)" you hear a voice shout your name. And as you turn around you see that sexy, angelic face.  "Zayn!" you say as you run up to him and hug him. "I missed you so much Zayn" "I missed you even more baby." 

Baby echos in your mind. You sigh. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" He says a bit worried. "It's nothing," you say. "It's just... I need to tell you something. And I'm not sure how you are going to take it..." "Y-you didn't cheat on me did you?" "Of course not Zayn! I would never!" "Then what's wrong?" You sigh. "Maybe you should have a seat" He sits down with worry filling his eyes.

"Zayn... I'm-" "DYING!?!" "No. Zayn. I'm-" "BREAKING UP WITH ME!?" "NO ZAYN." you sigh. "I'm pregnant. With your child." you lift up my shirt slightly so he could see the baby bump. His face lights up and jumps up and swings you around. You giggle.

"Babe that's amazing! I can't wait to raise this child with you." Zayn leans in for a small kiss. "I also wanted to ask you something." "What is it zayn?"

Zayn kneels on one knee and pulls out a diamond ring. "(Y/N) will you marry me?" You squeal like the fangirl you once were and you shout, "OMG YES ZAYN!" Zayn grins and puts the ring on your finger and swings you around one more time. "I love you (Y/N). Forever and always." "Forever and always" you repeat. Grinning.

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