The party

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At the golden dawns HQ:

With yuno:

Since its being revealed at the party tonight i had to put on a thick bracelet last night so i didn't see my second gender when i woke up

We agreed to have the party at the golden dawns HQ because its bigger. Thanks to magic everything was ready in the blink of an eye

"Hey yuno! You haven't peeked at your mark yet right?!" Klouse says coming up behind him

"Seriosly what do you take me for?" Yuno says with a sigh as he uses wind to hang the last banner up

"I wonder what you'll be!" Mimosa says practically jumping in place

"Indeed though i have to admit im less curious about yunos second gender and more curios about astas" klouse says

"Yeah your right. He has the stubbornness of a alpha but he was born with no magic". Mimosa says as she puts a finger on her chin before turning to yuno "youve known him the longest yuno, what do you think!" She says

"Honestly i have no clue but astas always been strong even without magic which makes him a worthy rival so i don't know for sure" yuno says with a slight smile

"Guess well just have to wait till the party to know" Klouse says with a sigh


At the black bulls HQ

everyone is getting ready to take off. Asta joins magna on his broom like usual since he can't fly a broom himself

"Ahh its killing me not knowing my secondary gender!" Asta groans as he gets on the broom and everyone takes off

"You'll know soon enough stop being impatient!" Noelle says flying next to them

"Easy for you to say! You already know yours Ms. Alpha" asta pouts

"I wonder what yours will be though" luck says as he flies closer to them

"I bet I'll be a alpha!" Asta says with twinkling eyes

"Yeah probably and there's no doubt about yuno being a alpha the dude screams strong" magna says

"Exactly and there's no way ill let him show me up so ill be an alpha too" asta says removing his hands from around magna to fist bump the air. Nearly falling off the broom in the process.


At golden dawns HQ

Most of golden dawn is standing out front waiting for the black bulls arrival. Some didn't bother coming out as they still think the black bulls are a bunch of weaklings

Black bulls arrive and start landing. A scowl crosses yunos face as he sees asta on the back of a alphas broom, holding onto him and happily chatting away.

Asta spots yuno and he gets off the broom to go meet him. "Hey yuno you pumped to know your second gender!" Asta says as he fist bumps the air once again.

"Yeah, you?" Yuno says looking down at asta

"Of coarse and just you wait I'll get a better secondary gender then you" asta says

"Sure you will" yuno says sarcastically before smirking at asta getting all mad about his sarcasm

The groups head inside to the golden dawns dining hall where the party is to be held

Once everyone is settled they gather in the middle of the room around asta and yuno to see the secondary gender reveal. "Ready" Klouse says looking between asta and yuno who both nod

"Then you shall remove your bracers in 3...2...1" klouse says before they both remove their bracers

Gasps, murmers and low laughter fill the room as their bracers hit the floor. Apon yunos wrist is a ✴ saying that he is a alpha. Apon astas wrist is a ➰ saying that he is a omega which is what the focus of the whispers and laughter is.

"No way..." Asta says barely above a whisper as he stares at the mark in disbelief thinking 'theres no way I'm an omega...wasn't it enough i was born without magic but now I'm a omega too?!'

"Asta.." Yuno breathes out as he stares at asta ignoring the 'congratulations' he is recieving. He cant seem to tear his eyes away and a part of him is...happy that asta is a omega.

"I'm stepping out for a second" asta says not looking up from the ground as he heads out to get some air. Asta sits on a bench outside as he hears the doors open again as someone joins him outside. "I would like to be alone" asta says not looking at whoever came outside

"As if I'll listen to you" yuno says as he sits next to asta

"Oh its you..." Asta says giving him a brief look before looking back to the ground

"I'll win our next battle just you wait!" asta says after a minute of silence

Yuno is shocked for a second at astas sudden change but then he feels a slight smile pull at his lips "we'll see"

"Omega or not i will not loose to you!" Asta says standing up and yuno joins him as he stands up as well.

"Oh by the way congrats on becoming a alpha" asta says and recieves a nod from yuno.

"Got any idea who you want to pair yet?" Asta says leaning against a pillar

Yuno stares over at asta as he says "one person comes to mind" and as ta feels a slight twinge at that "what about you? You got a alpha in mind? Maybe that alpha you rode in with" yuno says looking away to hide the distasteful look on his face from remembering the alpha

"What, magna? No he's not my type and he's already paired with luck! And no i don't have a alpha in mind" asta says as he crosses his arms in a huff

Yuno feels relieved at his answer 'so theres nothing between him and that alpha then' yuno thinks to himself as a smile crosses his lips

"-e" yuno whispers

"Sorry yuno i didn't quite get that" asta says still leaning against the pillar

Yuno takes a deep breath before walking up to asta and pinning him to the pillar

"Uh..yuno?" Asta says as he feels his cheeks warm up as he looks up at the alpha

"If you don't have any alpha in mind then how about me?" Yuno says not breaking eye contact with the Omega below him

yuno x asta omegaverse [Short story]Where stories live. Discover now