Through the Light

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During the flashbacks the scenes used will either be inaccurate or completely made up. 


     The smoke from the fire pit guided its way up into the sky while the smell of food radiated off from the grill as the burgers were getting cooked. Laughter and chatting filled the ears of everyone in the backyard of the O'Malley's. Giselle just graduated high school and was throwing a party with all of her friends. It was a big achievement for her so she was stoked when her parents allowed her to throw a party for it. Now it was the time for her friends to see if they got into their dream college, as they all wanted to see together for the support. While all of Giselle's  friends went to normal colleges Giselle wanted to see if she got accepted to the med-school of her dreams. Her goal was to eventually go to the teaching school of Seattle Grace. Everyone pulled out their phones and opened their email for the news. For some there was cheers. For others there was some swears and little cries. Several people didn't get in, but majority did. Giselle was one of them.
     "I got in!" Giselle exclaimed as she read the 'Congratulations' from the email sent by Stanford University. 
     The friends and family around her cheered and hugged her one by one. The last person to hug Giselle was George who was going into fifth grade once summer was over.
     "Giselle? Does this mean you have to go away?" George asked. 
     Giselle's heart broke as George asked her. She was never away from George for this long and at the time George was severely attached to Giselle, not leaving her side for a minute. Even when she went to get something from the store George would beg for her to take him with her. 
     Giselle knelt down to George's height and put her hands on his shoulders. "Look buddy...I'm going to be living away but I'll come back to visit you okay?" She said in a soft voice so George would understand.
     "No!" George's eyes filled up with tears as he tackled her into a hug. "I don't want you to leave me!"
     Giselle's friends were awing as the siblings embraced, some pulled their phones out to record the interaction or take pictures.

     Giselle continued to cook lunch, trying to push the thoughts of George out of her head. It has been a week since he died and she hasn't been favoring well. Nobody would after a family member died, especially one you're close to, but it was different with Giselle. She would act fine and do her job but whenever she had the chance she would sneak off into an on-call room and cry her heart out. Nobody knows about it, not even Mark, the man she loves, lives with, and is engaged to. Of course Mark has his suspicions since no one would be that fine after they lose two members of their family. But Mark could never bring himself to ask Giselle about it. Internally, Giselle couldn't be more happy about no one asking her because she might break down and she has to put on this strong facade for the other doctors and kids she works with. It wasn't fairing well now that she keeps getting thoughts of when they were all happy and fine.

     Harold O'Malley; the father of Giselle and George and their two brothers, the husband of their mother Louise O'Malley. He was currently laying down in a hospital bed, tubes going through his body helping breathe and live. Giselle was standing in the door frame alongside George as the family decided on whether to take Harold off the support or not. Their other two brothers were looking away with tears in their eyes and Louise looked at George and Giselle, expecting an answer from the both of them. 
     "George. What are we supposed to do?" Louise asked, tears were falling down her face and she couldn't stand looking at her husband at the moment.
     George was on the verge of crying as the tears formed in his eyes as he looked at his father laying in the hospital bed. He took a few small steps forward and looked in the direction of his mother. "He shouldn't have to suffer like this. In pain, not being able to move or do anything." George answered with a crack in his voice as a few tears strayed from his eyes.
     The family all exchanged looks before Louise looked at her husband and slowly got up from her seat. She bent down and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. When she stood back up she looked at George and Giselle and nodded her head, tears now falling off of her face as she brought a tissue from out of her pocket onto her face. Giselle couldn't look at her family, at the doctors taking her father off of the support he needed. Seeing the heart monitor go to a flat line and her father passes away.
     George turns and walks up to Giselle, tears fell down his face as he brought his sister into a tight hug. Giselle hugged him back tighter as tears fell down her face when she heard a doctor call the time of death.

     Salty tears. Giselle's eyes were full of tears when the memory ended, the horrible and sad memory of her father dying. She stopped making lunch and turned around, now leaning against the counter, Giselle brought a hand up to cover her mouth as more and more tears fell and the settlement of the situation flooded her mind. 
     "Hey Hun? Have you seen-" Mark started to speak and he opened the squeaky door of their bedroom. Giselle's eyes shot wide and she tried to wipe away her tears before he could see but it was too late. "What's wrong?" Mark asked as he rushed to Giselle's side and looked at her.
     Giselle couldn't even answer as she started to break down even more, tears consistently streaming down her face and sobs escaping from her mouth. Thoughts and memories of George circled around her mind and she couldn't stop them. Mark didn't speak anymore, he just pulled Giselle into a hug and rested her head on his chest. He knew what was happening but didn't know what to say, so he acted instead. He consoled her and rubbed circles on her back. Giselle wouldn't stop crying, all of her pent up emotions finally escaping and not staying in her mind. The fact that George is really dead was the most heartbreaking thing that has ever happened to Giselle. She's never been through this kind of pain and suffering before, the feelings coming as a tidal wave to her foreign senses.
     "Shh it's okay. I'm here..." Mark consoled, not knowing if it actually worked but he tried.
     Giselle looked up at her fiance and opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Her throat was sore and horse after the crying and she can only assume that her eyes were all puffy and red. 
     Mark shook his head, "You don't need to talk Hun. Just deep breaths," he explained. He took a deep breath and urged Giselle to follow.
      It was so hard, taking a deep breath was so hard. Giselle couldn't get her lungs to fill properly with the air she needed after all of the crying. Her breath stuttered and ended in short breaths. Hyperventilating with your throat and mouth becoming fryer each passing second. Mark did his best, and it was working after a while.
     After several minutes Mark got Giselle to calm down slightly to where she can take deep breaths and form small sentences. Speaking of which, Giselle took a deep breath and turned away from Mark, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that."
     She was about to move when she felt Mark's hand grip her arm and turn her around to face him again. His arms snaked around her waist and Giselle's body was flush up against Mark's. A deep red blush flowed its way onto Giselle's cheeks and her eyes were locked with his. He bent down slightly and lowered his eyes to his fiance's lips before he kissed her. It was slow and passionate, just what Giselle needed at the moment. Giselle closed her eyes and kissed back, both of their mouths fit together like a puzzle piece, like they were meant to be together. All of Giselle's bad thought left her brain and she was focused on Mark and only Mark.

1454 words
I don't know if I liked the way this turned out but I'll deal with it.


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