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Y/n was becoming more and more uncomfortable as she nearly reached her full term.

It was hard for her to get comfortable when just sitting down and even harder for her to get up and down and move.

Whenever the baby moved in her belly she was able to see hand prints and footprints. It freaked her out a little bit but Georgie found it adorable.

She was still working at the video store (sitting instead of standing behind the counter) and had just arrived back at Connie's after a later shift.

"Hey," she greeted as she entered. Connie and Dale were watching a movie on the couch.

Connie jumped up, "Please tell me you bought some movies home." She said and luckily y/n did.

"Tootsie," she suggested and handed Connie the tape.

"Ooo, thank you." Connie smiled.

"Really?" Dale scoffed from the couch, "We're supposed to believe Dustin Hofmann is a woman?"

"But we believe talking dinosaurs?" Connie said loudly and pointed to the tv.

"I'll leave you to it." Y/n said, not wanting to be around when the two bickered like usual.

She started making her way slowly upstairs as the two started to bicker.

Y/n got to her room eventually as the baby rolled around, causing her major discomfort.

"Will you stop moving?" Y/n asked it.

She got on the bed and stared reading one of her books on birthing and how to take care after giving birth.

"Really? You're gonna leave your socks on?" Y/n heard Connie's voice ask from down the hall.

"My feet get cold!" Dale argued.

"Take em off." Connie groaned.

Y/n made a fade in disgust, realising what they were doing and tried to focus on her book again.

"If you wanna touch these legs you better be patient." Dale said and that was y/n's last straw.

She put her book down and waddled out of her room, down the stairs and across the street to the Coopers.

"Look who's here," Mary greeted as y/n entered the living room. Her, Georgie and George SR were all in the living room

"Everything okay?" Georgie asked her.

"Mind if I hang out here with you guys for a bit?"
Y/n asked, holding onto her belly.

"Come on, mama." Georgie said happily and patted the empty spot next to him.

"Need a break from Connie?" George SR asked as y/n went and sat next to Georgie, and he instantly went to feel her belly. Even though the babies been kicking for weeks, Georgie always felt her stomach any chance he could.

"No, just trying to give her and Dale some privacy." Y/n said, trying not to think about what she heard.

"Gross." George SR said whilst Mary cringed.

"What?" Georgie asked, still filling y/n's belly and looked over at his parents then y/n.

Y/n gave him a look and he groaned. "Ugh nasty."

"Wait sex, right?" He asked y/n, slightly confused.

"Yeah." She whispered back.

"Missy is at a sleepover, you can take her room if you like?" Mary offered.

"I might actually." Y/n shrugged.

"You'll be safe here," Georgie said then lowered his voice and gestured to his parents, "They never do anything."


After watching a movie with the Coopers, she went to collect some things from Connie's as she thought the coast will be clear by now.

But as soon as she opened the door she heard something worse.

"Rub it harder."

"I'm rubbing as hard as I can."

"Maybe, Georgie will let me use his toothbrush." She said before getting back out of the house as fast as she could.


"Where's your stuff?" Georgie asked as y/n entered the Coopers house again.

"I don't want to talk about it." Y/n dismissed and went and sat next to him as the phone started ringing.

"Who the hell calls at this hour?" George SR asked before picking up the phone.

"Hello," he said, "oh, hi. Everything okay?"

"Who is it?" Mary asked.

"Heathers mum." Georgie SR replied.

"Is everything okay?" Mary asked concerned.

"I just asked that," George SR said, "No Heathers not here they are at your house."

"Oh, Heather told her mum she was staying here." George said to Mary and y/n and Georgie giggled together from the other couch.

"Classic," y/n said making Mary and George SR turn to look at her and Georgie and y/n stopped smiling.

Mary and George got up and checked Missy's room to see if anything in there said where she is and had also called a few more of Missy's other friends parents.

"I don't know if this will help, but I pulled this on my parents a couple times and it was just to go to a party or something." Y/n said from where her and Georgie still were on the couch whilst Mary and George SR stood up.

"Oh, great so she's at a party who knows where?" Mary said, worried whilst George scoffed.

"You know what I'm gonna go find her," George said, grabbing the keys to his truck. "I'm gonna drive around til I here some coursing."

"I'll go with you." Georgie stood up.

"No, there's nothing to do but wait." Mary said, loudly.

"Fine," George SR sighed and he and Georgie sat down.

They only managed to remain seated for a few seconds.

"Nope," George SR jumped up, "Georgie let's go."

"We should check out that creek in the woods where they found that headless body." Georgie was saying as they went out the door.

"Will you shut up." George SR rolled his eyes.


Y/n and Mary moved into the kitchen to have tea whilst they waited for George SR and Georgie to return.

Mary was looking out the window every 10 seconds and y/n could tell she was worried.

"Missy is a good kid im sure she's okay."y/n said, comfortingly.

"I was a good kid." Mary said coming to sit on the table with y/n. "Didn't stop me from getting into trouble."

"Me too," y/n chuckled. "But we survived, well I'm pregnant at 17 but still."

Mary sighed, "You just want your children to have it easier I guess."

"Yeah." Y/n agreed, "My baby's gonna have it so easy with teenage parents and a broke single mum."

Mary seemed unsure of what to say. "Let me get you some more tea." She said and stood up.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now