Chapter 1

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Manhattan seems to teem with more life as the traffic gets congested by the very second. The choir of honks increase as yellow cabs try to weave through the sea of other vehicles.

As darkness slowly falls across the skyline, a kaleidoscope of neon lights gradually illuminates the busy streets and the specks of humans littering the sidewalks.

This breathtaking view never ceases to astonish me, even though I've had a front row seat for the past two years. Even more so being familiar with the Uptown Jamaican scene.

Speaking of which... I've never gotten the chance to truly relax since being here almost seven years now. Amidst the pulse of the metropolis, the world blurs and thoughts of my trip to the tranquil Texas countryside dance enticingly in the back of my mind. It will be a chance to escape the demanding business world and it's obligations.

"Am?" A soft knock jolts me me out of my reverie and back to reality. My gaze flicker from the expansive glass windows and towards the sound. Jordan, my assistant, greets me at the door with a warm smile. Her presence piques my interest because I'm usually the last to leave my department's floor, but I beckon her in nonetheless.

"Hey, Jordan. Thought you would be on your way home by now." I offer a small smile as I beckon her in.

The petite woman enters the room, a wide smile etched on her lips. Her eyes gives me a teasing look. One of pure mischief. "As should you. Your vacation starts in a couple hours.... besides boss I wanted to make sure everything is in order before you left."

My lips quirk up into a half-smile. I've always appreciated her dedication and diligence, especially now. It takes away a lot of the anxiety that's been building up these past couple days.

"Thanks I appreciate it." I flash her a genuine smile. "I have a lot faith in your ability to handle everything in my absence."

Jordan nods, her brown eyes fill with unwavering assurance. "You have nothing to worry about. I've completed the necessary paperwork and informed the team of all ongoing initiatives. Everything is under control here. "

Relief floods through my body. Knowing that the department is in good hands makes me relax a tad bit. I power down my macbook before shovimg it in its laptop bag.

"Excellent. That's what I like to hear." I nod partly in a response as I continue to pack up for the night... and the next two weeks.

"Well, uh, before I go," Jordan says catching my attention again. I look over at her as she pulls out a neatly wrapped gift from a tote bag and carefully hands it to me.

"What's this?" I gingerly take the flat item.

"Just a little something something from the team," the woman shrugs. A soft smile stretches on her thick lips. "It's nothing big but we think you'll like it."

Furrowing my brows in a curious arch, I delicately peel the package to reveal a beautiful journal. Its thick cover has the words The Journey Begins imprinted in it and is embellished with elaborate motifs.

A feeling of pure exhilaration washes over me as I run a fingertip along the smooth edges. This is good to travel with, I can get to document different aspects of the trip. It's old school and will probably fit in ghe . I really love this.

"This is so thoughtful," my voice cracks a bit under the weight of genuine appreciation coursing through me. "Please express my gratitude to the team. I'm blessed to be working with such dedicated people."

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