Chapter 7

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Having established a correspondence by owl with Malfoy was convenient. Over the next year, Harry owled Malfoy potions to ID from time to time, though Harry still visited plenty in emergencies or when he thought the case needed more explanation than could be conveyed by note. Or when it was late and no one else was in the office, and Harry thought Malfoy would be awake.

Harry kept all correspondence from Malfoy in the table with the drawer beside his bed, along with the handkerchief and the paper with Malfoy's address that Malfoy had given Harry so long ago. Keeping these things made sense, just in case Harry forgot where Malfoy lived or had to blow his nose. As for the correspondence, Harry might need it for a case some day to remember which potion was which, even though most of Malfoy's notes just said things like, they used tropical butterfly wings, and good luck, Potter, and never send me intestines in a bag again, Potter.

A few times Malfoy called by Floo with his potions ID, but the first time Malfoy visited Grimmauld Place, Harry was surprised.

"Oh, hullo," Malfoy said, as though he hadn't been the one to ring the bell. He looked perfectly comfortable standing there on the stoop, as though he belonged there. Holding up three phials, he wiggled them, then said, "I have a solution to a little problem of yours."

"What?" Harry said.

Malfoy smirked. "Wood-Eye Lye. Last time you came to see me you mentioned it was proliferating again, despite your having put away the brewer ages ago. Here's Veritaserum," Malfoy said, wiggling just one of the phials. "Here's Wood-Eye Lye, and here's an indicator solution," he went on, wiggling each of the next two phials. "The indicator solution will detect whether anyone has had any potions with crocodile tears in the past seventy-two hours-crocodile tears being a rare but operative ingredient in Wood-Eye Lye, if you recall."

"Come in," Harry said, opening the door wider.

"I suppose I don't mind." Still smirking, Malfoy sauntered into the house. "Is it always so dark in here?" he asked, as Harry shut the door.

"I-don't usually have visitors."

Malfoy appeared to be taking a survey of the territory. "I see you've removed Great Aunt Walburga."

Harry glanced at the wall where the portrait used to be. Instead there was a painting of a field of flowers with thestrals grazing. "Luna painted over it."

"And how is Lovegood?"

"She's good," said Harry. Malfoy just looked so comfortable and lazy, as though making normal conversation and visiting each other were something that they did all the time. "How's . . . your mum?"

Malfoy turned away. "I suppose I could have Floo'ed, but administering the indicator solution is a process of some delicacy. I didn't imagine you could handle it without explicit instructions."

"Fine," Harry said. "Come on." He led Malfoy down the long, dark hall to the kitchen, where he Lumosed the lights on and pulled out a chair, indicating for Malfoy to sit at the table. "I didn't know you were making an indicator solution," he said, watching as Malfoy set the phials on the table. "That's going to be a big help questioning suspects."

"Yes, well." Malfoy sat down gingerly beside him at the table. "I'm not in the habit of broadcasting my intentions. I prefer to be unpredictable."

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