Welf - 1204 to 1453

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1205 - Duke Heinrich III of the Rhine won a war and usurped the County of Mainz from Siegfried von Eppstein.

1211 - Duke Heinrich III of the Rhine died in battle on December 29, 1211. Accidentally killed himself during an experimental tactic.

1220 - Duke Heinrich IV of the Rhine won a war and usurped the County of Locha Léin from Aoch na Meidhe òa Donnchadha.

1225 - Duke Heinrich IV of the Rhine assassinated his wife, Princess Efimija, and married Halima, daughter of King Pere II of Aragon.

1231 - Duke Heinrich IV of the Rhine earned the title "the Bold."

1263 - Duke Heinrich 'the Bold' died of severe stress on December 10, 1263.

1264 - Duke Heinrich V's wife, Ylva 'the Beguiling' died attending to "chamber business" on August 20, 1264.

1266 - Algot, heir of Duke Heinrich V, was assassinated by Duke Heinrich V himself on May 20, 1266.

1267 - Märta, heir of Duke Heinrich V, was assassinated by Duke Heinrich V himself on June 20, 1267.

1267 - Duke Heinrich V lost a war against Peter of the Rhinelander Revolt and lost the title of Duke of the Rhine. He became a mere Count of Locha Léin.

1269 - Count Heinrich of Locha Léin married Duchess Flora of Galloway, daughter of Duke Gilchrist of Galloway.

1275 - Duchess Flora of Galloway was sacrificed by a cult on June 20, 1275. Count Heinrich of Locha Léin married Princess Isabella, daughter of William of the Aztec Revolt.

1279 - Count Heinrich of Locha Léin was burnt at the stake for being a Satanist by Duke Egidio of the Rhine on April 21, 1279.

1298 - Countess Constance of Ormond, wife of Count Heinrich II of Locha Léin, was assassinated by her own husband on January 21, 1298. Count Heinrich then married Princess Aufrica of Scotland, daughter of King Oscar of Scotland.

1308 - The Black Plague began spreading throughout the world.

1313 - Count Heinrich of Locha Léin died in the dungeons of Duchess Hawise of Munster on January 4, 1313, killed by the Black Plague.

1314 - After the Black Plague reached Ireland, the royal family was forced into seclusion and eventually ran out of food. Count Heinrich of Ormond eventually cannibalized his wife, Countess Kunigunde on November 16, 1314. He then married Countess Julienne of Zygra, daughter of Count Gyula of Zygra.

1320 - Count Heinrich of Ormond died of severe stress on March 1320. Inga, his daughter would take to the throne as all her siblings died from the Black Plague.

1330 - Countess Inga of Ormond married Count Georg of Alexandria, son of Blessed Alberich of Rasheed. This is distant incest, as Rasheed is ruled by Welf descendants.

1332 - Countess Inga of Ormond won a war and usurped the County of Desmond from Henry de Lacy. This would begin Inga's legend.

1336 - Countess Inga of Ormond took a pilgrimage to Jerusalem upon the request of the leader of the Benedictine Order.

1346 - Countess Inga of Ormond earned the title "the Usurper." She won a war and usurped the Duchy of Munster  from Duke Arthur of Munster.

1346 - Blessed Georg of Alexandria, wife of Duchess Inga 'the Usurper' died of Smallpox on September 22, 1346.

1366 - Against all odds, Duchess Inga 'the Usurper' usurped the Kingdom of Ireland from King Gerald 'the Wise.'

1370 - Queen Inga of Ireland won a war against King Cynfelyn of Brythoniaid 'the Lame."

1371 - Queen Inga of Ireland died of severe stress on October 13, 1371.

1371 - Finishing a war his mother starting, King Alberich of Ireland won the war against King Poul II of Denmark and usurped the County of Powys and Kingdom of Wales from Cynfelyn de Llandeilo.

1377 - King Alberich of Ireland married Duchess Theodosia 'the Strong,' daughter of Doux Athanasios II of Achaia.

1384 - King Alberich of Ireland won a war and usurped the County of Alexandria, County of Rasheed, and County of Kharibta from Ute Welf and King Foulques of Valencia 'the Cruel.'

1391 - King Alberich of Ireland usurped the Duchy of Alexandria from Humbert de Toulouse.

1396 - King Alberich of Ireland died from the Black Plague on April 24, 1396.

1397 - Duchess Theodosia 'the Strong,' mitber of King Georg of Ireland, died of poor health on March 23, 1397.

1400 - King Georg of Ireland married Princess Vivianna 'the Frog,' daughter of King Andreas of Greece.

1405 - King Georg of Irelans was assassinated by Duke Hartmann of Mallorca on November 23, 1405.

1417 - Due to his young age as king, King Akberich II of Ireland earned the title "the Young."

1420 - Princess Vivianna 'the Frog,' mother of King Alberich II of Ireland, died under suspicious circumstances on April 23, 1420.

1428 - King Alberich II of Ireland 'the Young' won a war and usurped the County of Galloway from Cailean Stewart.

1434 - Queen Mariota of Moray, wife of King Alberich II of Ireland, died of a heart attack on April 10, 1434. King Alberich II of Ireland married Duchess Euphrosine II of Flanders, daufhter of Gargamel d'Avesnes. King Alberich II also won a war and usurped the County of Gowrie from King Cadfael of Alban and Cadfael Mac Uilleim.

1438 - Queen Euphrosine, wife of King Alberich II of Ireland, died of depression on April 3, 1438. King Alberich II of Ireland married Duchess Irmele 'the Apostle,' daughter of Duke Bernhard II of Damietta.

1440 - King Alberich II of Ireland inherited the Holy Roman Empire and became Kaiser Alberich.

1443 - Kaiser Alberich renamed the Holy Roman Empire to the Ingwelfian Empire, named after his legendary ancestor Inga Welf.

1447 - Kaiser Alberich of the Ingwelfian Empire died of complications related to gout on February 17, 1447. His son, Siegmund, would inherit the Kingdom of Ireland at only age 2.

The following is a list of played characters, the length they ruled, their score, and the age they died at:

King Heinrich III of the Rhine - Ruled for 7 years with a score of 1627. Died at age 38.

Duke Heinrich 'the Bold' (Heinrich IV) - Ruled for 52 years with a score of 2566. Died at age 67.

Count Heinrich of Locha Léin (Heinrich V) - Ruled for 16 years with a score of 2215. Died at age 57.

Count Heinrich III of Locha Léin (Heinrich VI) - Ruled for 34 years with a score of 2916. Died at age 42.

Count Heinrich of Ormond (Heinrich VII) - Ruled for 7 years with a score of 1143. Died at age 30.

Saint Inga 'the Understanding' - Ruled for 51 years with a score of 8114. Died at age 57.

King Alberich I of Ireland - Ruled for 25 years with a score of 4578. Died at age 51.

King Georg of Ireland - Ruled for 9 years with a score of 2317. Died at age 21.

Kaiser Alberich 'the Young' (Alberich II) - Ruled for 42 years with a score of 8265.

King Siegmund of Ireland - Ruled for 6 years with a score of 1440. Finished the game at age 8, didn't die.

Post-publish edit: The chronicle never mentioned it, but I did manage to get Glitterhoof as my chancellor at one point. There was also a brief period where my family was devout Satanist, until Inga came along with her dead parents to not raise her that way.

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