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Y/n was now 41 weeks pregnant, she had gone over by a week and was majorly uncomfortable. She just wanted the baby out of her at this stage.

She had an obgyn appointment booked for today as her last one was 2 weeks ago and Dr Banes said she may go over and she has.

Y/n was at Connie's getting ready to for her appointment. She felt very hot and was wearing a cropped tank top, that you could see the bottom half of her large pregnant belly and a long summer skirt even though it was March in Texas.

She was emotional and moody and was getting beyond frustrated that she couldn't find the paperwork she needed for her appointment.

Connie was over at Mary's with her and Georgie so y/n waddled over there and opened the door.

"Connie," she said frustratedly, "Where's the paperwork from my last appointment?"

"Should be in the bottom kitchen drawer." Connie answered, sipping her tea from where she sat at the table with Mary and Georgie sat on the couch.

"I haven't been over to bend down for weeks." Y/n said, becoming more emotional because of the smallest things.

"I'll get 'em." Georgie got up quickly.

"You," y/n groaned, annoyed as he came and stood next to her, "like you haven't done enough."

Georgie gave an unsure look to his mother and grandmother as he couldn't tell if y/n was mad or grateful but they both just shrugged.

"you just take a seat." He said and helped y/n to the couch. "I'll be back."

Georgie left the house quickly to get the papers for
y/n and she laid down slightly to be more comfortable.

"How are you holding up?" Connie asked, giving y/n a sympathetic look.

"I have never been this uncomfortable in my entire life." Y/n groaned. "Why won't she come out?"

"Maybe she just wants to stay with here mama." Mary said, smiling unsurely, "you have given her a nice home the past 9 months."

Connie gave her a not helping look but y/n didn't have time to react as the baby did a large kick against her ribs.

Since the baby's head was facing down, her ribs got all the kicks now, not her actual belly.

"Oww!" She yelped, "if I've given her a nice home, why is she kicking me?!"

"Hey," Georgie said entering the house again with the papers, "got 'em, you ready to go to the doctor?"

"Yeah," y/n said and went though the long process of sitting up then holding her hand out for Georgie to help her and he did.

Mary frowned at y/n. "Are you gonna change for your appointment, y/n?"

"Why?" Y/n asked looking down at her outfit which was still the tank top and summer skirt.

"Don't you think...that's not really appropriate for a doctors office?" Mary said in a more questionably tone.

"She's fine!" Connie said quickly, "she looks great,"

"Yeah, and I'm roasting so I'm not changing." Y/n said, annoyed before leaving with Georgie.


"41 weeks," Dr Banes gasped once y/n and Georgie were in the office, "How are you feeling?"

"Awful, you have to do something, doc." Y/n begged. "Give me a tablet or something."

"Well, there's nothing that I can do..." Dr Banes said, looking between Georgie and y/n. "But there's somethings you can do."

"It's sex, ain't it?" Georgie said, nodding and smirking slightly then looked down at y/n, "I read the book, it can help start labor."

"He's right." Nodded Dr Banes

Y/n scoffed, "That's outta the question, Doc, is there anything else?" She asked.

"Taking a long, walk, eating spicy foods, acupuncture." Dr Banes listed.

"And that should work?" Y/n asked.

"Really depends on the individual." Dr Banes nodded, "But you will eventually go into labor, y/n. It's any time now. Could be in an hour, could be tomorrow, could be next week."

"I think I would have exploded by next week." Y/n said.


On their way back from the doctors office, y/n and Georgie stopped to get a few more things for the baby, mainly just necessities.

They also bought a crib. Y/n had already a bassinet for the baby to sleep in when she is a few weeks old but eventually she will need to upgrade to a crib.

They arrived back to Connie's house and Georgie started building the crib in y/n's room.

Y/n tried to help but he insisted she sat down.

"Dr Banes said I have to move my body if I want labor to come faster." Y/n argued.

"You know we still haven't decided on a name." Georgie brought up, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Oh, plenty." Y/n said and reached for the small list on her bedside table she wrote, "Ivy, Julia, Florence, Audrey." She read.

"I dont know none of those really go with Cooper." Georgie shrugged.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "You realise I'm only allowing her last name to be Cooper because my name is ugly and hyphenated already?"

"Yes, and I'm the dad." Georgie said, smiling at her.

"Thanks for doing this." Y/n said, meaning him building the crib.

"Hey, you make a whole human being in your belly, I get the crib and car seat, we will call it even." Georgie said, shrugging.

"Yeah, cause it's the same thing." Y/n chuckled.


Georgie left about an hour later to go purchase a car seat and install it in his car.

He didn't get one earlier as he went to a separate store and wanted to get 'the perfect one' for his car.

A few hours passed and y/n didn't do much except eat curry for lunch, walk around the house to try and get her labor going.

She started to feel cramps every couple of minutes and thought it may have been contractions but she just shook it off as her thinking it was because of the spicy food and she was gaslighting herself.

Y/n cleaned up the kitchen as she got an occasional cramp (contraction) until, a popping like sensation occurred down there, followed by a trickle of fluid underneath her skirt.

Y/n gasped and held onto the counter.

She was in labor.

It wasn't stomach cramps. They were contractions.

"Oh, my god." She said, "I'm having a baby."

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