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"You're doing great, sweetie." Keith said as he held onto y/n's hand. He and Fiona where on either side of y/n supporting her.

Y/n was breathing in and out, trying to get through the pain as her contractions happened every minute now.

She had a terrible feeling Georgie wasn't going to show up, that he was gonna miss it.

What scared her the most is that he might be intentionally missing it.

Connie had gotten changed and joined y/n in the room, making her parents visit bearable.

"I think I'll give y'all a little family time." She said and went to leave the room.

"No! Stay!" Y/n said as Mary entered the room.

"Hey," she said, "How are we doing?"

"Alright, though I would be better if your son was here." Y/n answered through a contraction.

"Looked like your husband was gonna punch out that guy in the waiting room." Fiona felt the need to comment.

"What happened?" Connie asked.

"When did you get here?" Mary frowned at her.

"Earlier." Said Connie suspiciously. "So who did George almost punch?"

"Some little fella with a moustache." Keith answered as y/n let out a scream as her most painful yet contraction hit her.

"Hang in there, sweetie you're doing great." Keith comforted, tapping her hand.

"Where. Is Georgie?" Y/n said, each word between a breath.


"Thank you for doing this." Sheldon said from the passenger seat of Georgie's car as he drove him to this launch thing.

"Mhmm." Georgie hummed, frowning and, lost in thought.

"You know you wait and you wait and you think the days never gonna come and, POW! It's here." Sheldon said and Georgie hummed agreeing but for a whole other reason.

The day was here.

"To think I almost missed it." Sheldon said, still referring to his launch. "That's something I would have regretted for the rest of my life."

Georgie started getting second thoughts now and felt guilty.

"How was y/n, anyway?" Georgie asked.

"Agitated." Sheldon answered, "But I guess it's justified as she was in a lot of pain, she also kept going on and on about how much she needed you."

"Really?" Georgie perked up.

"Mhmm, if I didn't know any better I'd say she needs you." Sheldon said and Georgie's eyes widened.

"What the hell am I doing?!" He asked himself before turning the car around.


"Where is the big needle?!" Y/n yelled as another painful contraction hit her. They were getting worse and worse and she was only going about 20-30 seconds without a contraction.

"I think we're getting close." Fiona said, "and since the fathers not here, I'll go in the delivery room with you."

Yeah, that's all y/n needed. Her mother criticising her on how to give birth.

"Or I'll go." Connie offered, "I'm not gonna be sitting down anytime soon."

"I'm sure Georgie will be here." Mary added.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now