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After a visit from the four grandparents (even y/n's mother was excited) and the great grandmother, y/n had a long awaited nap.

The rest of the night, the nurses showed y/n how to breastfeed and made sure Jane was latching on and eating okay before she left.

Georgie decided to spend the night in hospital with y/n and Jane, even though y/n said he didn't need too, he insisted. Which made Y/n feel happy.

Y/n and Jane were discharged from the hospital at around 11am.

Y/n felt very tired and sore.

So goddam sore.

It was like she had been hit by a truck and still had to walk.

The doctors said there wasn't much they or she could do, she just had to recover with time.

Y/n got dressed (with a struggle) and her and Georgie, y/n carrying Jane walked out of the hospital.

Y/n had bundled Jane in case she got cold and had also put the blanket over her head.

"You wait here, I'll go get the car." Georgie told her before running off down the street.

Y/n looked down at Jane, smiling. Despite the intense pain between her legs and across her entire body for that matter, she felt happy.

Georgie arrived quickly with the car and got out to help y/n strap Jane in her car seat.

"Are you sure it's secure?" Y/n asked him, worried.

"I'm sure." Georgie said, kissing Jane on the head before getting in the drivers seat.

Y/n decided to sit in the back with Jane, as she was paranoid at first.

Georgie started the car and started to drive, going way slower then usual as he was paranoid too. He was also asking y/n how Jane was every minute or so.

"How's she doing?" He asked, again as a car overtook them.

"She's fine, she's awake now." Y/n answered, looking at her daughter.

"She's breathing right?" Georgie asked, as it was common for new borns to stop breathing.

Y/n lightly put her finger under Jane's tiny nostril and felt her breathing in and out.

"Yes," she answered. "Can you slow down?"

"I'm going 15." Georgie frowned.

"Yeah, so slow down." Y/n said, paranoid about Jane being hurt.

"You got it," Georgie didn't argue.

He would pretty much do anything y/n says.

"Baby check?" He asked.

"Still breathing." Y/n said.

"We got this." Georgie huffed. "We may be young, dumb teenagers but we got this."

"Yeah," y/n agreed.

"You checked the baby's ID bracelet before we left the hospital, right?" Georgie asked frowning again.

"Why?" Y/n asked, worriedly.

"To make sure they gave us the right baby." Georgie said.

"I know my baby and this is her." Y/n said, before discreetly checking her ID bracelet.

The ID bracelet said,

Surname: Cooper
Baby name: Jane
D.O.B: 11/03/1993
Gender: Female

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now