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"I cant believe the last thing we did was yell at her." Mary said as she, y/n, holding Jane, Georgie, and Connie stood in the Coopers kitchen.

Jane was a few days old now and last night Missy left, stole her father's truck and took off. No one knew where she was or when she left.

The day before, Mary said Missy got suspended for being disrespectful to her teacher and had gotten in big trouble from her parents.

"Don't blame yourself." George SR said to Mary.

"I was blaming the both of us." Mary scoffed.

Y/n knew they were still fighting.

"So we weren't supposed to punish her? Kids do stupid stuff and parents yell at them." George SR said like it was the circle of life.

"Y'all did it to me." Georgie spoke up, "I'm gonna do it to Jane." He said, patting his daughters head who was asleep in y/n's arms.

"Calm down, daddy." Connie dismissed him. "I know y'all are worried but this isn't helping."

"She snuck out and stole my truck." George argued. "How's that our fault."

"Well, maybe she was right she does get ignored around here." Mary replied.

"I liked being ignored." Georgie shrugged. "Let me get away with all kinds of stuff."

"Yeah, and now you have a baby." Y/n scoffed.

"We need to get the police back on the phone." Sheldon said, entering the room. "I know how to find them."


The police found Missy and her friend Paige and Mary and George went down to pick her up and Missy was now grounded.

Jane was now two weeks old and they were reaching the end of March.

Which also meant it had been a year since y/n moved from Australia to Medford.

"The stars at night are big and bright." Georgie sung gently to Jane then clapped four times. "Deep in the heart of Texas. The prairie sky is wide and high deep in the heart of Texas."

Y/n saw Jane giving him an amused look. The past two weeks Jane started to know her dad and Georgie was able to settle her just as good as y/n could.

"Remember four claps. Not three." Georgie told his daughter as she laughed.

"Yeah, cause you know who claps three times? Yankees." Connie said, standing in front of Jane too. "Bleh."

"We've gotta teach you this as your mama isn't from Texas." Connie whispered and y/n heard anyway from where she sat at the bench with a coffee.

"Haha." Y/n rolled her eyes and moved to stand next to Georgie, in front of Jane.

"If you told me this time two years ago I was living in the U.S with a baby I would have said you were nuts." Y/n said, booping Jane's nose.

"What are you planning for your birthday?" Connie asked Georgie and the two parents turned to her.

Y/n's eyes widened as Georgie said, "Probably just take it easy."

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now