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"Just a warning she's going to get some shots today." The paediatrician, Dr Wells told y/n the following day in the doctors office.

Jane lay on the table, awake and pretty happy.

"Okay." Y/n took a breath and held Jane's tiny hand, "I won't cry if you don't cry." She told her even though y/n knew she was going to cry either way.

"Hey," Georgie said as he entered the room.

"Hey, I didn't think you were coming, I thought you were working." Y/n said as he came to stand next to her.

"You must be the dad?" Dr Wells greeted Georgie.

"Yes, but we're not married." He said quickly.

Y/n frowned, "Because that will be so terrible?" She asked him.

"Did I say that?" Georgie asked, frowning confused too.

"I just don't know why you had to include that but okay." Y/n said, offended. "Are you just trying to get us judged?"

"It's really not my business." Dr Wells said, uncomfortably.


"I cant believe you told the doctor how many times we slept together!" Y/n said, angrily as she stood next to the car as Georgie strapped Jane into the car seat in y/n's car for her.

"She asked what our history was." Georgie defended as he stood back up from strapping Jane in.

"Medical!" Y/n said. "Medical history! God."

"That was unclear." Georgie scoffed as y/n closed the back door seat with Jane inside.

"I don't see why you included the time after I was already pregnant." Y/n rolled her eyes and went to open her drivers door but it was locked.

"Oh, my god." She said quietly and then tried the back door, the side Jane was locked in. "This is bad. I locked my keys in there!"

"But the babies in there!" Georgie said, getting worried now too.

"That's why it's bad!" Y/n said, trying the back door over and over again but it wouldn't open.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Y/n cried as she looked through the window at Jane, Georgie looking too.

"I'll break the window." Georgie said.

"I don't want glass all over our baby." Y/n said, stressing. "What are we gonna do?!"

"We have to stay calm." Georgie told y/n who was far away from calm. "If she sees us, especially you upset she will cry."

Y/n took deep breaths and put a smile on.

"It's okay, Jaycee, we're gonna get you out." She said.

"How are we gonna get her out?" Georgie asked, fake smiling too.

"I don't know." Y/n said, panicking.

"Wait! I've got coat hangers from the laundromat in my car. I can pick the lock!" Georgie said, realisingly.

"Go get them." Y/n said, slapping his chest and Georgie ran off. It was the quickest y/n had seen him run.

Y/n looked back through the window at Jane who seemed unbothered, "Who has a dumb teenage mummy? You do. Yes you do." She said.

Georgie got back with the hangers and had bent one long and had stuck it through the tiny gap in the window, trying to pull the lock up.

"You got this." Y/n said, more to herself then Georgie.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now