Origins: A Villain Is Born

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"Noro, dark wings, rise!" And so, with just saying a simple phrase a villain was born.


Suddenly awakened by the aura of the Moth Miraculously Wayz alerted Master Fu of his findings. With a villain on the rise, heroes are needed.


"Marinette!" Her mother called ", Your alarm has been going off for almost fifteen minutes, you're going to be late to school!" Marinette shot out of bed in reaction, rushing to get ready for school.

"I bet you anything Chloe will be in my class again," Marinette sighed as she ate her breakfast.

"Four years in a row? Is that possible?" Her mother exclaimed with an understanding smile.

"Definitely... Lucky me," she stated with sarcasm as she sighed once again. Marinette quickly finished her breakfast and ran to school but on the way she bumped into an elderly man. "Oh sorry!" She exclaimed. She didn't know if her eyes were playing tricks on her but the man was holding a glowing box. The box seemed to glow brighter the closer she got to it. Was the box calling out to her?

"Oh no worries," the man said interrupting her train of thought. "Have a miraculous day, young lady," the man said as he walked away leaving Marinette slightly enamoured. Suddenly the bell ran breaking Marinette out of her trance.

"School?!" She yelped as she began running to the entrance.

"Mari-bitch Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe said as she slammed her hand down on the desk Marinette was seated at. "That my seat!" She sated, her voice oozing of entitlement.

"But Chloe? This has always been my se-"

"Not anymore!" Chloe's 'henchwoman' Sabrina interrupted.

"Go sit by the newbie over there, she seems lonely?" Chloe stated as she pointed at Alya. "Adrikins is arriving today so since that's going to be his seat," she pointed to the empty seat in-front of Marinette ",Then this is going to be MY seat!"

"Who's 'Adrikins'?" Marinette asked causing Chloe and Sabrina to erupt into laughter.

"What rock have you been living under?" Chloe joked ",He's only a famous model, my future husband and current best friend. He adores me! So go on, move!"

"Hey? Who elected you queen of seats?" Alya said angrily as she stood behind Chloe.

"Ooooh, look Sabrina. We got a little 'do gooder' in our class this year. I can't wait to watch her break!" Chloe cackled.

"Come on," Alya pushed past Chloe and grabbed Marinette's arm dragging her over to sit beside her.

"I so wish I could handle Chloe like you do!" Marinette gushed over Alya.

"You mean the way Majestia does it?" Alya said excitedly as she pulled a comic book out of her backpack and shower the cover to Marinette. "She says 'all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing'. While that people over there is evil!" She said as she pointed at Chloe and Sabrina ",and we are the good people, we can't let her get away with it!"

"Well that's easier said than done," Marinette said as she looked down in dismay. "She just... Walks all over me."

"That's cause you let her girl! You need to be confident, stand up for yourself!" Alya said with a comforting smile. "Here, put your contact in my phone," she said as she handed Marinette her phone. "We good people need to stay in touch."

"Here," Marinette handed back her phone.

"Marinette," She read her name aloud ", nice to meet you, I'm Alya."


"Adrien, please reconsider! You know this is not what your father wants!" Nathalie said as Adrien tried running up the steps to the school.

"But this is what I want to do!"

"Maybe it is best that this young man goes to school?" And old man said as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Sir, this is none of your concern. Please move along," Nathalie said. The old man made direct eye contact with Adrien and gave him a soft smile. He seemed to be holding something behind his back that gave off a soft green light. Adrien was curious about this light. Nathalie gave him a disapproving look causing him to completely forget about the elderly man. Adrien sighed and got back in the car to go home.


Just as the bell rang for the students to go to their next classes a fight broke out. "Ivan, to the principals office right now!" The teacher spoke sternly.


Anger. Sadness. Panic. All emotions that make one susceptible to manipulation. That does not mean we should never feel emotions, it just means that we should remain weary and on alert for you never know what may be lurking in the shadows, just waiting to pounce when you are most vulnerable.

"Fly away my little akuma... And evilize him!" A butterfly took flight throughout the town reaching its victim. "Stone Heart, I am Hawkmoth-"


Authors Note: Not much was changed from the original plot of miraculous for this chapter, but I did change Master Fu's method of finding a person for the miraculous. I find Master Fu's original method quite flawed because anyone with a slight conscious would have helped him so instead of Master Fu picking the new owner of the miraculous the Kwami's get the choice. Their box glows when they find the holder that they want. Also, sorry for this being a short chapter with not much going on, I'm just trying to lay the foundation for the plot to really pick up so please bear with me until then!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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