At Neibolt

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Third Person
Everyone peddled to get to Bill before he does anything stupid. The group ends up stopping at Neibolt, looking at Bill almost in shock. They tried to stop him from going in but Bill got angry and ranted to them.

"What happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty? Or another Ed Corcoran? Or one of us," Bill ranted, "Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because I can't."

The atmosphere was tense but Bill still continued, "I go home, and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stuffed animals, but... He isn't. So walking in this house, for me, it's easier than walking into my own."

"Wow," Richie says surprised.

"What," Ben asked him.

"He didn't stutter once."

"Wait," Stan ends up yelling to Bill. Everyone ends up looking at him and he continues, "Um... Shouldn't some people keep watch? You know, just in case something bad happens?"

"W-Who wants to s-stay out here," Bill stutters out. Most of the groups hands go up with Bill, Beverly and Y/N's staying down.

Y/N sighs, not knowing who would end up going in then.

"A-Alright, I'll just c-choose," Bill says, "Richie, E-Eddie come o-on."

A groan erupts from the two of them as they go and drag themselves in behind Bill. The door ends up closing behind the trio as the rest of the group tries to relax.

I ended up sitting down on the dry grass with the rest of the group sitting near me. Beverly picked up part of the fence and started to mess with it, clearly bored.

"Hey Y/N, I heard you had a sleepover with Bill that one night," Ben ended up bringing up.

I shook my head because that was a dumb way to end the awkward silence, "yeah but that was mainly because of the street lights turning on. My mom doesn't allow people to leave if they turn on so he had to stay."

"Isn't that weird though," Beverly asked

"A bit, but after what happened with my cousin I think she just doesn't want to lose someone again."

I look over at the group and see them looking at me with saddened faces. I shook my head, "it wasn't too bad though. We talked about other personal things like who we liked and I told him the full story of what happened. We even had pizza for dinner while playing video games."

"You talked about who you guys liked," Mike asked.

"Yeah but I'm not telling anyone who we like. I can say that Bill definitely has a type though. He also called me out on who I like but obviously it's not him," I laugh.

"That's nice," Beverly said with a smile then looked back down at the piece of metal she had.

"Why are you doing that," Stan questioned her.

We then heard a scream come from what sounded like Eddie and she smirked, "for that, obviously."

We all end up running in, Beverly and I side by side before the others. We end up in what looked like a kitchen. We see It and Beverly stabs it in It's head. Eddie was on the floor, holding his arm along with having a look of distress on his face. Richie and Bill were on the other side of the room also looking at everything going on. Within all the chaos, we tried to get Eddie up and everyone out. It ended up slicing Ben's stomach, felt like Henry all over again. It ends up getting away going back further into the house as we grab everyone and run out.

Once we get out, we see Eddie's mom in a tracksuit walking around her car. She ends up grabbing Eddie, almost violently, then pointed at us.

"You. You did this," she accuses all of us, "you know how delicate he is."

"W-We were attacked, M-Mrs. K," Bill tells her.

"No. Don't," she says annoyed and ends up dropping her keys in anger, "don't you try and blame anyone else."

"Let me help," Beverly says as she reaches down toward the keys.

"Get back," Mrs. K says and pushes Beverly away while grabbing her keys, "Oh, I've heard about you, Miss Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

A rush of anger built up in me from hearing that and I ended up stuttering out, "y-you bitch! How dare you say that to Beverly! She's a sweetheart and actually defends your son. All you do is 'protect' him for your own selfish desires. Get a fucking life."

She scoffs and points her finger at me, "you're probably a slut just like her. Hanging around all of these boys. What are you doing."

"Y'know what. I'm not holding back," I say and then punch her. The rest of the group cheers, except for Eddie since he was still in excruciating pain.

She ends up screaming at us while pointing more, "No! You are all monsters. All of you. And Eddie is done with you. Do you hear? Done!"

She ends up stomping back into her car and taking Eddie away from the group. After we see the car leave from our sight, Bill ends up turning to us.

"I saw the well. W-We know where it is and n-next time we'll be better
p-prepared," Bill explains to the group.

"No," Stan ends up shouting at him, "No next time, Bill. You're insane."

"Why," Beverly ends up asking Stan, "We all know no one else is going to do anything."

"Eddie was nearly killed! And look at this motherfucker," Richie practically screams while pointing at Ben, "He's leaking Hamburger Helper!"

"We can't pretend It's gonna go away. Ben, you said it yourself, It comes back every 27 years," Beverly says in anger.

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town, too," Ben says annoyed and glaring at Beverly.

Because I want to run towards something. Not away," she explains.

"I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group," Richie says earning a glare from me and Bev flipping the bird at him.

"Richie-," Stan tries to say but gets interrupted by Richie.

"I'm just saying, let's face facts. Real world," Richie says, clearly getting irritated.

"Richie are you kidding me," I say, "we need to do something other than sit around and watch kids go missing or getting killed! We don't need another Georgie and I don't want to lose hope over one of us dying because we split up!"

"Georgie is dead and so is your cousin," Richie says, clearly directed towards me, "Stop trying to get us killed, too."

"Georgie's not dead," Bill says, his voice cold and scarily stable.

"You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself," Richie says looking at him.

"No, t-t-take it back," Bill stutters and glares at Richie, "You're scared and we all are, but take it back!"

Bill pushed Richie and he was clearly taken aback. He then pushes Bill back, matching his anger. Bill clearly got angrier and started pounding on Richie.

"Bill," I scream at him, "what are you doing!"

"You're just a bunch of losers," Richie ends up yelling as Mike and Stan had to hold him back. They ended up screaming at each other while trying to punch each other at the same time.

"Stop," Beverly and I screamed at them. Richie ended up pushing Mike and Stan off of him and let go of Bill.

"This is what It wants. It wants to divide us. We were all together when we hurt It. That's why we're still alive," Bev ended up explaining.

"Yeah? Well, I plan to keep it that way," Richie said coldly then biking away. Stan and Mike ended up leaving not too long after Richie did. I turn to get on my bike, sighing over the chaos.

"Are you leaving," Bill asked, "after why had happened."

"B-Bill I'm sorry," I say as I look at him with a tear in my eye, "Richie saying all that, especially about my cousin. I just can't. I need to be alone."

I then leave Bill and Beverly alone and bike as fast as I can home.

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