Oh my..

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                 (Your POV)

'Oh no- what am I supposed to do!?!'
You say while being near the ship computers and monitoring systems.
"Come on. Come on.. Scrap!" You say trying to fix it. 

It's been a while since anyone has been born I've been trying to do one at a time sure I have lots of energon.. But still with the battles between the two and bots haven't been wanting a little one lately. Plus I don't think right now having to many sparklings or minicons running around... Speaking of minicons one was just born because I thought I can just start little by little.  I choosed a minicon because they are easy to hide just in case. Yet since their young they can't do that yet..  

Something got shoot out of the air and hit the cloaking panel.
"Phew their I was able to fix it soon things should be running smoothly..*sigh*" I say.  "That's great!" The thing that hit my ship said. 

"As for you!!" I say pointing at him. "Huh..?" "Wh-what!?" They said
(It's that human that was inside Breakdown forgot the name)
"So... tell me 'human'.. why are you using this bot as a vessel??"  I question
"I-I have no idea what you are talking about!?!.." He says  "mmhm.." I stop walking in front of him and stop.

I cut him open not too much damage just enough to where I can get the human out. "Seems like I need to groundbridge you somewhere.."
I open the groundbridge to a military base as humans call it and put him their. Closing it making sure he stays their.

"Hey their buddy are you done coloring?" I ask him carefully caring a bot with a hammer. He nods his head while showing me his drawing. "I'm going into the office do you need anything?" I ask.  " He." Sai said "Oh!.. um might be a new member..?" I said looking at him. His eyes so cute.. heh..
"Do you want to help me recreate him?" I asked. He nods and follows.

After a while I was able to fix him. Sai already napping. " ok now all I have to do is wait for him to wake up*yawn*" I said as I slowly start to close my optics.

(Man deserved more in the series)

         ( Breakdown POV)

I wake up started m. I end up falling to the ground. "Where am I!?" I said
'Last thing I remembered I was getting toward limb by limb..' I look around to see in front of me a femme and a minicon. I look for a sign of autobot or decpticon nothing..
'huh.. that rare..?' I thought to myself.

I head towards to door to get a better look at where I'm at.-

                    (Your POV)

'I fell asleep didn't I.. Wai-wait where did that bot go! He couldn't have just disappeared. I mean sure I haven't seem any grown bots in a while.. I thought they would stay for a bit.. you know having a conversation with them..' I look to my right and see them walking to the door. 'Heheh'
I get up careful not to wake the little one and- "BOO!!" " AHH!!" He says

"Heheh.. I see your awake!" I said with my hand behind my back.
"I umm y-yes" he said. "So mind telling me your name?" I asked. "I-er- my name is breakdown." He said while being on guard. "Where am I??"
"You my friend are on my ship. I'm a caretaker of this ship, of this little one, and more" I said just then my alarm system goes off. "Not again." I said picking up the minicon and taking him with me. Breakdown seem a to follow me. Maybe to see around more.

I check my monitors and see that one groundbridge has open and so has another one both on different sides of in the area. I check to see who they are by that I mean their side and turns out it's both sides.

"*sigh*" I turn around and look at the bot behind me. And walking to the gate. Not before leaving the little on somewhere safe. "It seems to be bots. They both seem to have a different sign on their chest..Do you know what they can mean?" I said
He nods and explains which side for which.   "I see and by your sign you stand on theirs..?" I said point to two of them. "Yes" I open the exit. And see that both side looking at us.  

"Sailas still using breakdowns body I see.." the Red bot said. 
"Heheh good to see you too partner." Breakdown said. Which left the Red bot shocked.

"Shockwave. Knockout. Breakdown." I look to my left and see three more bots 'oh no I was kinda hopping to kee-*sigh*never mind'

"*Ahem*" I said as both sides look at me stopping them from try to fighting one another.
"Hello. My name is Y/N I'm a caretaker of sparkling, minicons, and more.!!" Just then another groundbridge open showing a grey bot.. "hello there caretaker. My name is Megatron and I have come to personally invite you to join my side the DECEPTICONS!! Seeing that you don't have a mark..." Megatron said. "I-umm-I-"
"NO! Join our team!" I hear from on of the bots.

They keep arguing back and forth. Just then the entrance open. And started shooting one another.

'Oh no!' "Sai!" I said running towards him. Blocking the blast.


"NO! No! I won't ' join your side nor theirs. I'M Y/N caretaker, help those not matter who, do what I wish to do and those that I create orwish to follow me. Can have their freedom of choice. I AM Y/N AND NO MINICON, SPARKLING, AND BOT THAT IS CLOSE TO ME SHALL BE HURT!!! Now. If you excuse me I must tend to my little ones. Go leave!"

I see that they call for backup and leave as well try and shoot one another. *sigh*

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