Chapter 4

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"Don't shoot! Bullets do nothing!" Sophia says.

"Wait what!?" Roman immediately says.

"This way everyone! This way!" Eric says, taking everyone upstairs, as the horde began to swarm inside the building. "Where the hell is the truck!" Eric says, looking down at the parking lot through a small peephole in the boards, "There it is! Open this thing now!"

Eric and Oliver get on both sides, opening the board with a crowbar, as they open it there is a horde revealed that is on the ground, tugging the rope that was the only way down, "What the hell do we do now!" Ray says.

"They're getting too close! We need to do something right the hell now!" Leroy says, as the horde slowly began climbing the stairs and sticking towards the ground and each other.

"There's one way, and only one way. I'll have to jump!" Abram says, immediately he jumps forward as far as he could, over the horde as the people behind him scream out. Abram lands on his feet perfectly, and turns around. The horde that was tugging the rope immediately turns around, now following Abram. Abram smirks, "NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!" He yells, as he runs away from the horde that chases him.

"One at a time! One at a time! Go!" Simon commands, with the mothers and kids going down first, they all began to follow down the role, onto the parking lot with the truck. However, only two people remained, Paul and Vivian. They turn back, seeing them both on top still.

"No time to waste! You can make it down!" Sophia says.

"Oh.. we can't!" Vivian says, looking down at the height.

"You can do it! Come on! Just go! Come on down here! Come on!" Roman yells out to them both.

They heard the horde, roaring as it just climbed the stairs and was only feet away from them. Vivian looks down, almost intimidated by the height. She looks back, even more intimidated by the horde, "An old man who is too scared to climb a rope I see.. hah! What a tragic way to die." He says, as he bends down, grabbing the rope and he begins to go down. The horde was now almost directly behind Vivian, and she was still almost frozen in place.

"I've got the truck going! Now everyone get in the back! Now!" Eric says, starting up the old military truck. The truck had a back with a cover over it and 2 extra seats in front, Abram was already ahead and in the streets with the horde following him away. Abram began to loop around the horde, running back to the parking lot, ready to leave the place as soon as possible.

"I- I can't!" Vivian says, making one last turn back to the horde. The horde stood almost in when face, a red mass of slime put together with multiple mouths and holes made as eyes, that all whispered things as they approached her. Vivian then takes a step forward, one foot off the ground and on the ledge. She slowly bends down, grabbing the rope. But as soon as she does, she is caught by the monstrosities behind her. They all grabbed her tightly, she screams as she grabs the rope, being pulled in by them.

"VIVIAN!!!" Tooks yells out. Vivian was tooken by the monsters, they began to tear apart her clothes and then her skin from behind her, however she managed to pull herself forward, and the rope swings her off the building and she hits the wall behind her. Parts of the slime of these things got to her, clinging onto her still, as slowly they approached her from above. They grabbed her head and arms, pulling her back up. Vivian screamed as they pulled her back up, and they ripped out one of her arms, and then she took begins to turn over, her skin melting into the creatures and her face drooping, even so the things attacked her. They began to pull apart her body and face as it began to disfigure, dropping down and then turning into slime.

"God bless her soul.. and all that were caught in by it." Paul says, looking back at the creatures tear her apart.

"Mommy! What just happen to the old lady?" Poly says, Tasha was too shocked to even speak from seeing the horror she just witnessed.

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