Boats and Birds

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It's been a few years since the world as been normal, the year is 2044 And the kraang Have not stopped their Invasion what so ever, the turtles are losing members what seems like every day and people are dropping like flies, Mikey and Ghost have been married for almost 2-ish years now they stopped counting years once the invasion started they are both in their late 30s/ 40s and their wedding was during the invasion, Axell and Leo are not married yet and Denis and Raph are not married but engaged, and donnie is single (as a pringle/ref) real fun right? Mikey and ghosts son xavier, has to grow up in this hellish nightmare and no body really wants that for a child especially one so young. Noone should have to go through the things these turtles/yokai have to. people make mistakes and sometimes its costs lives, memories, happiness, feelings and most importantly family.

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Ghost was startled Awake by mikey shaking him, mikeys breath was shaky as he looked ready to cry he started talking frantically but his words were jumbled up. mikey looked like he hadn't slept for 5 weeks his eyes had giant bags under them, his eyes grew glossy.

"GHOST! ghost wake up!." mikey shouted

Ghost groaned "mmnn..what..?" Ghost was laying on a bed in what looks like used to be a med-bay area, he tried sitting up but pain shot through his body as he did, he winced and held his own waist

"I thought you died! you can't scare me like that!" Mikeys voice cracked as he sobbed now, he looked so god damn tired, he was definitely watching over ghost every single hour of the day, like a hawk.

"mikey.... sunflower come here.. its okay.." ghost put his hand on Mikeys face and he gently caressed his face with his thumb. mikey leaned into ghosts touched as he pressed his forehead against ghosts.

"Mikey.. I'll be fine okay? it was just a bite from those kraang hounds..i'm not dying.." ghost pulled Mikey into a soft hug "i'm okay.." he smiled

"you promise..?" mikey smiled, he kissed Ghost on his right hand softly with a soft smile

"I promise.." Ghost took mikeys hand and put his hand on mikeys ring "I mean.. you just didnt buy these for nothing" ghost chuckled along with mikey as they hugged each other softly. they wanted this moment to last a life time, never let go and just let the world around them disappear.

Mikey got up and let go of the hug, he smiled "you should be better today! want to try to walk?? move around a bit? we need your powers in battle again today."

Ghost nodded as he slowly stood up, he slightly twisted his body to see if there was any pain but there wasn't, he looked pretty happy about this, he looked over to the sickle that laid against the wall.

"I think its time to partrol" ghost grabbed the sickle, he tightened his grip on it "god.. I miss using this thing!" he smirked as he put it over his shoulder, mikey nodded as they both walked out of the room and headed towards the battle field, they held hands as they saw Xavier sleeping peacefully in his bed along with Casey, since they were still a bit young they got to sleep in and only Casey needed to fight since Xavier was only 10.

They both let go of each others hands and kissed each other on the cheek 

"COME ON YOU TWO! WE NEED HELP OVER HERE!" Leo shouted as he dodged a few attacks by a kraang hound

"on it!" mikey yelled back at leo

"don't get hurt! you'll give me another heart attack!" mikey shouted as he walked away

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