Big Day

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It was the big day, no matter how much I tried to calm myself down I was still nervous. I couldn't mess up today, too much depended on this. Standing in front of the mirror, my thoughts wandered 'This could be the last time I'm in student armor." Biting my lip I adjusted the last of my straps, making sure everything was in place. "Plim, hurry up and eat before you go, gotta make sure you're all fueled up for the day."

"Coming" Even with my mom's obvious excitement the butterflies still ate up my stomach. The thought of food made me nauseous, but my mom was right, the last thing I needed was to have a hunger headache messing up my test.

Bounding my way down the stairs, my body came to a screeching halt when I saw who was standing in the kitchen.  'Dad.... What is he doing home...' My eyes flickered between him and my mom until I noticed the card on the table. Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I walked up to the table.  Picking it up I read the card "Good luck! We believe in you!". Looking up, I see my mom holding a plate of my favorite food, and my dad..... Looks ... Proud. I'm not used to that. He was hardly home as it was and tended to act as though he didn't even notice me. I guess since I was graduating into the military he was finally taking notice of me.

I set down the card and picked up the plate from my mother, she smiled and gently patted my shoulder. We all sat and ate in silence, when I was finished my father stood and gestured for me to follow him, 'I guess he's walking me to the grounds'.

We walked side by side, another first for me. We didn't speak to each other but I was used to that. When the training grounds came into sight my dad stopped, I felt his sigh as I stood next to him. "Plim, you're nervous aren't you?" Without waiting for my answer he went on. "You shouldn't be. You're my daughter, me and your mother's blood is in you, you are more than I will ever become and are destined for great things."

I looked up at him confused, he had never really talked to me much, and now I saw a smile on his face, and once again, pride. It was a strange thing to see in his eyes, I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it. He put his hand on my shoulder, now nearly level with his, and said "You're going to do great Plim, I just know it. Now come on before you're late." A small smile formed on my face, I wasn't sure if he was genuine, or what exactly had happened since he had been gone, but I was afraid to think this would last. It was nice to have his assurance before my test however, it made me even more determined to do well.

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