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leroy POV

when i woke up to a bed to my self
i heard a puking voice in the bathroom so i went to the bathroom and saw naughtyia throwing-up "baee are you okay" said leroy " yes im just sick because i took a pregnacy test and it said negitive." said naughtyia. " ok good" said leroy " how is that good that im not pregnant " said naughtyia in a angry voice " no its good because are we even ready bae" said leroy " you have a point" said naughtyia

naughtyia POV

I got mad because leroy made it sound like he didnt wanna have a baby " you have a point " said naughtyia " I LOVE YOU" said leroy
" i love you more bae" then i gave him a kiss he got ready and went to work "bye bae see u tonight" said leroy

Hey guys hope u liked that one and follow me on instagram @tinka0401

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