Chapter VIII (A hero's past, confrontation on the bridge.)

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(After team 7 and the young hellspawn have been doing their training to be prepared to deal the three assassins. They met the bridge builders grandson, Inari. Who seemed troubled by torment as the young hellspawn could sense it, afterwards the young spawn encountered a old man who knew his name and of him being Malebolgia's new recruit. Now as spawn was walking back to the house he was thinking about what he said.)

(Tsunami): Welcome back, are you ok?

(Y/N): I am fine thank you, where are the four others?

(Tsunami): They will be back soon one of the three mastered climbing the tree while the other two are still trying.

(Y/N): I see, I'll go check on them to make sure they don't cause to much damage.

(As the young hellspawn went to the forest to see how their training was going, he saw Naruko and Sasuki trying to climb up the trees and get higher but only for them to keep falling.)

(Y/N): I see you both are improving but not succeeding.

(Naruko): Hey! It's a lot harder then it looks!

(Sasuki): Unless you are here for making fun of us why did you come here?

(Y/N): I'll show you both.

(He then calmly walked up to the tree easily walking up the tree without a care as Naruko and Sasuki watched mouths agape as he came back down.)

(Naruko): How'd you do it so easily?! What's the strategy!

(Sasuki): Tell us how!

(Y/N): Alright I'll tell you. You see pretend the tree is a egg, pretend on the bottom of your feet are eggs, to hard and you'll crack them however to easy and you'll slip. Got it?

(He then vanished as the hours passed as he was secretly watching them in the trees as he saw they were doing better but not reaching the top.)

(Y/N): That's enough for today you two, time to go rest.

(Naruko): No way! I am not leaving here until I get to the top of this tree! Believe it!

(Sasuki): I need to make it too, so I don't have much time to waste.

(Suddenly both of their stomachs growled as they both blushed and faced the other way embarrassed.)

(Y/N): Well, dinner is ready since you both seem so hungry just a few hours and you can return here if you like.

(Meanwhile back at the house everyone began to eat dinner except for the young spawn who looked outside.)

(Tsunami): Is something wrong? You haven't ate a thing.

(Tazuna): C'mon kid aren't you the slightest bit hungry after all you have been doing?

(Y/N): No thanks, but your offer is appreciated.

(Meanwhile with Naruko and Sasuki, they were wolfing down their food.)

(Y/N): It's a good thing you made a lot for these two.

(Tazuna): We haven't much company in a long time, so it's a pleasure to have this many people sitting here.

(Kakane): Training all day does work up a sweat and appetite.

(Naruko/Sasuki): I want some more please!

(As they looked at each other with sparks of lightning, they then bent over to throw up all of food they had scarfed down, As spawn sweat dropped.)

(Y/N): How charming...

(Sakura): You idiots! Don't eat all that food if your just going to puke it all up!

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