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It's my first day at this new high school yeah i'm a new transfer student i'm so excited to meet new people here.

"Hey" A sound came from behind, I turned around to see and found two girls standing just behind me.

"Are you new here I am joi and she is cliff, nice to meet you..." The girl introduced herself and her friend to me.

"I am Rio, Rio Quinn. nice to meet you too". I can't believe, the two girls trying to be my friend on the first day itself, I was happy and nervous at the same time.

"Aaahhhh". We three just started talking and about to go to our classes but right at that moment one bike came from behind us and hurted Joi.
I can't tolerate that so I ran behind that bike to catch the culprit red handed but just after few seconds of running the bike stopped and turned towards me, I was about to say something then suddenly few more bikes came and surrounded me.

"Are you new here girl". The boy who hitted Joi asked.

" Yes but not weak, I can give you one chance to say sorry to my friend Joi or else handle the consequences". I replied with full confidence. As I love to do workout i feel like I have power to fight with those boys.

"Why do you think you can fight with us". One boy replied as if he can read my mind but still I didn't get fear of going back.

"And you guys think that I can't do anything"

" Hey let's show her who are we". One among those boy shouted.

" Rio stop! Don't take any risk they are the bad boys of this high school". Joi shouted.

" No Joi let's see what they can do" I replied.

The boys started moving towards me and then they stopped as if they don't want to fight now.

"We have class now don't make any scene". I heard a voice of a boy behind me, I turned around and saw a boy standing with a serious look on his face.

 I heard a voice of a boy behind me, I turned around and saw a boy standing with a serious look on his face

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"We will see you later". The bad boys  whispered to me and then they started moving towards the classroom.

The boy who was standing behind me ignored me and went ahead. Everyone started leaving for the class.
Me and my two new friends started moving too.

I reached my new classroom and was happy to see the two girls have the same class of me but yes I can't sit with them as they were sitting together.

"I am sorry Rio but you have to sit somewhere else".

"It's fine no need to say sorry for that".

I started searching for a seat and all I can see was one bench without a bag, so I decided to move there.

I kept my bag and sat there. straight off the teacher with one student came into the class room and I was surprised to see the same boy who saved me before was with the teacher.

"All take your seats". As soon as the teacher said that, the boy started moving towards me. In flash I got that the bag next to my seat is his bag.

I stood up to find another seat as I hate to sit next to a boy.

" Just sit here you won't find any other seat".
I was about to move from that seat but the boy asked me to sit there itself.

" Wait are you a new student here, welcome to our class. I am your English teacher".
The teacher introduced himself and welcomed me but I was still standing like a fool staring at him.

" Take your seat don't hesitate or else we won't be able to start the class". The teacher said that and everyone started laughing on me.

" I already told you to sit quietly". The boy next to me said in a serious way.

"So today we are starting with the grammar".

"Yess sirrrr". Everyone replied to the teacher.

I couldn't pay attention to anything because I was sitting next to a boy, I never imagined that I would be sitting next to a boy.

Somehow I paid attention to the class and the class was over when I realized that the boy sitting next to me was looking at me.

"Class got over move now"

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"Class got over move now".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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