Chapter 1 - just tired

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Pablo woke to the sound of his alarm, groaning he got out the bed and got ready for practice - he didn't want to be late and have Pedro complaining again.

He locked the front door and ran down the driveway towards Pedro's familiar car.

"Hey," he said as he buckled his seatbelt. Looking at Pedro he couldn't help but grin.

"Hey, you're lucky you didn't make me wait. I would have left without you. " Pedro joked.

Not long after, they pulled into the parking lot at the stadium and met the rest of the team in the changing rooms.

" There's the love birds, " Ansu joked.

"Leave then alone A," Robert chastised. Sometimes he felt as if he were constantly surrounded by children.

Pablo ducked his head at the comment, hoping no one would notice the blush rising on his cheeks. He wished Pedro loved him, he was tired of having to hide his feelings all the time when they felt as if they could burst out at a simple smile from Pedro. He was tired of pining from afar.

"Thanks lewa, " Pablo whispered as he set his bag down on the bench next to him.

" No problem , although I do think you should tell him. " Robert advised as he ruffled Pablo's hair.

"Stop, " Pablo laughed, trying to avoid Roberts hand.

"Come on now, get changed." Robert encouraged.


They all walked out onto the field together, laughing and shoving at each other.

"Alright, guys pay attention. We have that game against () soon, so we're going to focus on that during training today. I want full effort, no slacking !" Xavi shouted.

The team split off into their assigned groups for training that day - unfortunately Pablo and Pedro were not in the same group.


After a grueling training session, the boys dragged themselves back into the changing room. Pablo slumped onto the bench next to his bag, completely drained.

" Hey, you okay?" , Pedro asked looking down at Pablo.

" Yeah, I'm just tired. I can't wait to get home. " he replied.

" You've been feeling tired a lot lately, are you sure you're fine?" Pedro asked concerned.

Pablo ducked his head, blushing at the concerned look from Pedro. But despite that he couldn't help but admit that Pedro was right. He had been getting tired often, especially after practice or matches.

He hoped it wasn't anything serious but knowing his luck it was anything but.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Pablo dismissed his concern.

Pedro looked at him skeptically, "okay let's go then. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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