Ask #41

101 1 2

@Emo_girl3365 Ask 1: Medix, what would you do if Ratchet killed himself or died in any way? Ask 2: Hotshot, are you scared of Ratchet?

Medix, looks to the side thoughtfully: If Uncle Ratchet died, I'd have to move in with one of the Professors. {Rubs chin in thought} But which one is the real question.

Hotshot, stares dead ahead with a serious look: Of course I'm scared of Ratchet! Who in their right processor isn't!?

Ratchet, walks into the room: Hotshot, did you touch my data-pad?

Hotshot, goes stiff as a board: Yes sir, I'm sorry sir! It was a accident, I was playing around with my cube when it bounced off a wall and flew into you Lab knocking the data-pad off the table and breaking it. Once again I apologise and will pay for it with the money I get for doing my chores.

Ratchet and Medix stare at the stiff Hotshot, In disbelief because, was he really that scared of Ratchet?

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