Ch 34: Na'

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We went through the jungle near the entrance of Namor's cenote.

My warriors followed, scanning the perimeter for any suspicious movement.

There was one thing in my mind. Adam. And he had to die. I was going to kill him with my own hands.

I should have been considerate, but I couldn't take any more risks. If Adrian couldn't save my sister from murdering an entire civilization then I would do everything in my power to stop her, even if it meant having to kill her father.

"Adam is 10 meters ahead. I can also detect eight more unknown individuals. There's a high probability of them being armed."

Griot popped up. We picked up the pace and found ourselves getting shot at from multiple directions.

We dispersed, trying to take down whoever was shooting at us.

There were armed men dressed in dark suits and their weapons weren't common military armament, but skillfully crafted weapons for mass destruction. Their suits like mine were made of vibranium. Adam must have collected enough to make suits of such quality.

I dodged their bullets, swiftly getting closer until I could claw their weapons and destroy them. My guards followed and immobilized each man one by one.

Someone got shot, which minimized our numbers greatly as I needed guards to provide medical help.

Nakia and Okoye appeared soon after which brought to my attention the next question.

"How is Adrian?"

"He regained consciousness and went underwater once again. Because of the chaos, we do not know what was of him. We must protect you."

I nodded and began to silently pray that he would awaken Adria from her hypnosis.

Regardless of Nala's death, we all still had our fighting spirit.

I knew something cornered Nala to do what she did. I knew she wouldn't have betrayed Wakanda simply out of power or money. Adam must have done something to her.

I ran ahead of everyone, looking for Adam until I found him surrounded by three of his men.

I got shot in my stomach and they continued to shoot after I had been thrown to the ground.

Adam took that opportunity to hit me with a weapon of some sort. My habit was reacting.

"Princess, your habit was previously damaged. Please refrain from receiving any other direct hits."

Griot mumbled nonsense.

"Can't you see I'm trying?"

"I see it. Please refrain from—"

"Shut up Griot."


Once I saw an opening, I regained my posture and jumped out of their range.

It took me a minute to switch the components of my habit and pop up a minigun that I had installed near my wrists.

Underwater I could be defenseless, but the land is my territory.

I aimed at the three men and shot. The bullets expelled an electric charge which paralyzed them and eventually knocked them out.

"Nala must have opened her mouth huh?"

Asked Adam as he closed his laptop and threw it on the grass.

From the looks of it, he was using his fake sonic hypnosis to continue with his wicked ways.

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