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Third POV: NRC afternoon and two months after the entrance ceremony, ~•°'Queen of hearts arc'°•~
(A/n: a short chap)

The year had started and the other new first years, with exception some, where relatively quiet and getting along well enough with the second years and some thirds that didn't torment them for fun and as a way to assert authority.

At the moment, the new students along with the sophomore and Juniors where all gathered near Pride rock* to hear what the housewarden had to say about this year and the plans for magift; the charter slowly stopped as they saw Leona walk up to the top and look down on them

He cleared his throat "Well, I see a lot of promising newbies here, but it doesn't mean I will leat you slack, no, on the contrary, I'll work you to the bone so you bunch of new meat don't lack behind the more experienced" The snark in the second prince's voice was clear, his voice loud so all heard him and his presence demanded respect.

"I'll give you a run down of what you need to expect from here, this isn't all the other princy dorms, this is a hierarchy, you will compete for your spot on the table and will respect those above you, I don't want to hear about what you can't do, this dorm is about strong willed and people who can take the heat of the battle when we compete against other dorms and the beat of going against Royal Sword Academy" his bright green eyes swept across the crowd, all of them listening to each of his words "If you can't do something, train to get better at it, push your limit and remain strong minded and be a brick wall in the enemy's way" the shade casted on Leona's head almost made it seem like his eyes where glowing, gaze piercing the new students.

"Now, Ruggie will have the floor to talk" with that he went away, climbing back down, head high and his tail swaying side to side softly as he walked away, the second prince was elegant, prideful but he was someone who you'd rather be in his good sode with then be his enemy, Leona was smart, cunning and could be cruel to those he despised but was good man to have as friend and would fight tooth and nail of needed of it meant he protected those he cared for of they got deep enough into his heart.

The hyena beastman walked up to Pride rock and gave out his signature laugh, or in the ears of other beastman, a warning, his friendly grin didn't exactly match his bluish-gray eyes held mischief if you crossed him but he had been nice to them when they had gotten there the previous night.

"Competition for a spot in the hierarchy is through arm wrestling against the upperclassmen and the last one standing will have a match with our Housewarden" Ruggie explained, and went on with more details about rooming, some.more ground rules and especifcally saying that everyone in the dorms will respect females and to at least be civil with the few herbivores they had inside the dorm.

With that everyone was dismissed and directed by a upperclassmen to their rooms, the chatter loud as ever and some of the more sensitive to smells took it slow to aquatint themselves with their new surroundings, it was safe to say no problems arouse from the dorm except for playful fights between friends, well, no problems except for a certain Heartlabyul duo and a 'normal' human accompanied by a fire breathing cat burning the statue of The Queen of hearts and later breaking a chandelier, truly, a roller coaster ahead of everyone in NRC.

It was the morning after and everyone had woken up early, it was the introduction of the Magift, everyone lined up on the field that was inside the dorm, P.E uniforms on, flying brooms on standby and Leona was just analyzing everyone.

"We'll start with a few laps around the filed, and then do some push-ups, squats and stretch a bit more before you newbies get a taste of what you'll be expecting here in the field"

It was safe to say that by the end of the warmup the new students where dripping with sweat and panting, they where told to sit down and pay attention as some of the juniors and sophomores got on the flying brooms, the first years where impressed and excited to get a chance to play, be in the spot light, get future opportunities to play in team leagues and feel the adrenaline running through their blood, a certain wolf was exited to get to play with the one he looks up to this year.


*Pride rock: you guys know that in Savanaclaw there's a Waterfall in the common lounge and there like, a great smooth structure there? Yeah, Leona was on top of it while everyone else was on the other side, the only thing in the way was the pool Gael and other like to cool off for a while, but just imagine Leona's eyes somewhat covered by shade and the slight glow of the water when the sun hits the surface reflecting on Leona's eyes, making them pop more and seem like their glowing

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