1. Tangled

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Chat Noir sat atop a rooftop with a recent interaction with his father replaying in his head, tears threatening to swell his electric green eyes.

"You are my son, Adrien, one wrong move and I will remove you from that useless school."

...The wrong move in question was having accidentally wandered too far into his father's office because of voices he'd heard from inside, and getting caught. What could his father be hiding in his office that was so priceless that Adrien couldn't even step foot inside the room?

He sighed, a tear leaving his eye, trailing down his cheek. While the night sky was clear and full of shining stars, his heart was clouded and dull. Being trapped forever within the walls of his own home seemed inevitable at this point. Chat Noir's mask could only bring him so much because at the end of the day, the mask had to come off and he had to resume his life as Paris's perfect teen model and Gabriel Agreste's perfect son. His mask could also only do him so much because of the constant rejections by none other than Paris's Ladybug, the one and only girl he loves. One could argue that he can't love someone whose identity he doesn't know, but one thing is for sure, he'd love her no matter who she is under the mask. He does, however, wonder what Ladybug would think of him if she were to find out that he was Adrien. With half of Paris's women being "in love" with Adrien Agreste, could Ladybug also be one of his admirers?

The thought of his beloved Ladybug sent him into deep thought. Chat would admit that he can't help but be extra observant when it comes to Ladybug. It's not like he's trying to debug (get it?) her identity, because, after all, they aren't supposed to know each other's identity, but practically collecting traits she possesses and comparing them to other girls he knows has been one thing that occupied his mind more than other things. After all, as an Agreste, he was raised under his father to be silent and observe.

She's an overthinker. Right off the bat on the first day of becoming ladybug, she somehow managed to doubt her amazing abilities when defeating Stoneheart.

She's cautious and responsible, always making sure to cover her tracks without revealing her true identity. While Chat may have sometimes been a bit sour about not being able to participate in the distribution of the miraculous to the other holders, he's glad that she knows what she's doing as guardian.

She's kindhearted. Even in the direst of moments, she'll always look at situations from numerous perspectives, even if the perspective is that of a supervillain.

She absolutely despises lies. She hates being lied to and hates the spread of lies, such as that done by someone who goes by the former name Volpina

She's a genius. She always figures out how to use her lucky charms, even in the direst of moments. She and her lucky charms are no match for Shadowmoth, no matter how hard he may try.

She loves children. She's very stubborn. Heroic. Confident.

And lastly, she has silky midnight hair and eyes deeper than the ocean itself. If he were to stare into her eyes for too long, he's afraid he'd get lost in the sea. She was probably the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

Chat Noir could go on and on, but let's get on with the plot, shall we?

As tempting as it may be to reveal his identity to Ladybug, it wouldn't be much use. Chat Noir is who he feels that his true self really is, and not much of Adrien. He'd rather be a bit more patient for the identity reveal than have Ladybug discover his identity and be blinded by the Agreste crest, like many others. He sighed once again. He's trapped and alone in the confines of his house, his only escape being his friends at school (the school he may not be attending for much longer) and defeating Shadowmoth's villains with his Ladybug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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