Chapter 35

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We had landed in California safley

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We had landed in California safley. And Elvis was beside himself with worry. I answered all his questions he had for me on the surgery that Lisa Marie was going to endure. I assured him that it was really nothing to worry about.

He had never had that surgery done for himself. He had gotten sick lots and probably should have but he was worried that the surgery would damaged his vocal cords or change them in some way.

So, he refused to get it done. I was in the bedroom unpacking. While Elvis was on the phone with Cilla. They were getting ready to come over here for dinner tonight.

Elvis wanted to spoil his little princess before she went to stay at the hospital. I understood that. He was yelling orders at our cook here getting things ready for them.

I sighed. What a mess. Here I was wondering why he wanted to take me to Hawaii for. But that little romantic trip was going to have to be on hold.

Lisa Marie needed us. I sometimes felt like I was on the back burner when it came to Cilla and Lisa Marie.

But that happened when a woman decided to date a formerly married man who had a child.

I knew what I was getting myself into. And I had to accept that fact if I wanted to stay in Elvis life. And I did want to stay in it. I loved him more than anything.


"Doc!" Elvis calls out to me.

"Coming E" I answer him.

"Before they get here I have a little surprise for you to" he mentions with a grin.

"You do now?" I giggle.

He takes me by the hand then leads me to one of the guests rooms. He turned it into a painting art room for me. I gasp. I wondered when he found the time for this? This was wonderful! I was touched deeply.

"Elvis wow for me?" I stammer. Happy tears come to me.

"I want you to feel at home here as well as Graceland. All my homes are your homes" he points out.

"Elvis thank you this means the world to me" I tell him. He kisses me. Then the doorbell rings.

"They are here" he announces. We rush to greet them at the door.

"Daddy!!" Lisa exclaims.

They hug.

"Yeisa" he hugs her tightly.

"I missed you daddy" she exclaims. "Sandra!" she happily notices me there.

"Hi kiddo" I greet her.

"Hello Sandra thank you for coming she wanted you here to" Cilla says looking pleased.

"I am glad. I will always be here for her and Elvis. Even you if you need me" I promise her.

"Thank you" she says. "I will go"

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