Chapter 14

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It's been about a month since Luna was turned into a vampire and started living in her home and with the boys. Luna has been keeping in touch with her mom and her little brother Sam. She doesn't even dare to try to keep in touch with Michael mainly because she doesn't trust him anymore because of how he treated her.

But lately, Michael has been getting suspicious of his sister, he never sees her when she's home nor does he see her door open at all. Whenever he asks his mom or Sam about her, they always avoid the subject. He's trying to figure out what in the hell his mom and little brother is hiding from him about his sister. The only way he's going to find out is by finding Luna and asking her himself.

I managed to get off of work early so I could go to the house and try to talk to Luna. I got onto my motorcycle and drove from my job to the house. When I got to the house, I parked my bike and walked into the house and headed upstairs. I walked down the hall to Luna's room and knocked on the door. "Luna, we need to talk."

I heard nothing. I knocked on her door again, "Luna! You in there?"

I sighed and opened up her door only to find her room empty of her stuff. What the hell? Where the hell is her stuff. "Sam!"

"Yeah Mike?"

"Where's Luna's stuff!?" I asked him as I walked to his room.

"Uhh, what do you mean where's Luna's stuff, it should be in her room." Sam told me.

I looked at him as if he grew two heads. "Are you seriously playing dumb with me right now?! Where is Luna's stuff and don't lie to me!"

"Luna told mom and I to not tell you because she knew you'd react like this."

"Tell me what?!"

"She moved."

"She what!?!"

"Hey hey hey, what's with all the yelling?" I turned around hearing our mom walk up the stairs.

"Why wasn't I told that Luna moved out mom!?"

"Because of this attitude right here. You know after the entire situation with your father, you became too protective of your older sister, she can take care of herself. She doesn't need you breathing down her neck. In fact Luna is more mature than you are Michael. You have embarrassed your older sister so many times that Luna had to do this."

"Wha- mom, she can get hurt!"

"She has been keeping in touch with Sam and I and we have seen her, she is doing just fine. Now enough is enough. And don't even think Sam and I are going to tell you where she lives because that is not happening, understand?"

I scoffed while rolling my eyes before agreeing. I don't get what they're saying, I'm trying to keep Luna safe. After what happened with our dad, I had to make sure she was safe. I was being her brother. I walked to my room and slammed my door shut. What my mom and Sam did was fucked up, they should've told me she moved away!

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