↣𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸↢

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„Dad can we get food?"
I let out a silent sigh. I went to the mall with my son because his clothes are to small. But I realized that we haven't eaten for almost 1 and a half day now. I can't let him starve even if I need the money. „Of course we can! What do you want, hm?"

His big brown eyes started glowing and I knelt down to him to be on his level. „So?"
„Can we please get McDonalds?"
Of course he would want something cheap. He knows about my money problems, even tho I try hard to hide them.
„Sure let's go", I said while standing up. Eunwoo let out a small scream of happiness and started running towards McDonalds. „Eunwoo stay near me!", I tried to warn him but he was already out of my sight. Shit.
I went to the McDonalds thingy where he wanted to go but he weren't there. I felt tears coming in my eyes while yelling his name. „Eunwoo! Where are you?"

Did I really just lost my own son in a fucking mall? I started to panic and looked around. He has to be here!

No one

On the completely other side of the mall, Changbins son, Eunwoo, was scared as fuck. He thought about everything his father told him, trying to remember it, but he couldn't. He only knew that he shouldn't go in anyone's car. He started sobbing that soon went into crying. He just lost his dad in this huge building and he knew it was his own fault. He thought about how worried Changbin must be and he felt the guilt coming up. It was all his fault. He started crying more and harder, knowing how Changbin must've felt right now. „Hey Little one why are you crying?" Eunwoo looked up to the man with the calming Voice. „I lost my dad and it's all my fault..", he sobbed.

Helpless the man, who happens to be Bang Chan the biggest Mafia boss in Korea, looked at him thinking about how to calm him. „Okay listen here what is your name?"
The Kid looked at him, wiping away his tears. „My Dad said that I'm not allowed to tell anyone, because they might kidnap me!"
Chan chuckled silently. „Your dad is a smart one huh? What about your mom?"

Eunwoo crossed his arms and looked at the man who was kneeling in front of him.
„I don't have a Eomma. Dad told me that I had another dad but he left us before I was born."
The guy just looked at him, shocked that someone left their lover, before his own child was born. „So you have 2 dads?"
„No I only have one. I'm mad at the other man who should be my dad. But I only need my Daddy, he's the only one I love"

Chan slowly melted. The little boy seems to love his dad a lot. „Okay, I'm Chan, but you can call me anything you want. I can help you searching your dad"
The kids eyes light up. „Thank you so much Channie Hyung! My name is Seo Eunwoo, my Dads name is Changbin"
Chan showed his dimple smile. „You have a pretty name. How does your dad look like?"

Eunwoo took his little purse out, 5000 Won (3.52 €) in it. He showed Chan a little Photo of Changbin.

 He showed Chan a little Photo of Changbin

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