A/N-Where I've been

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Hey Springlocked readers.

Yeah, I know it's been a long time since I last uploaded, and I mean a looooong time. But, I can explain.

Firstly, I've been very invested over the past four months in a book that I published last year called Elementals (which you can check out on here if you want). Shameless plug aside, I've been focusing a lot of my energy and creativity, writing wise, on that book in particular. So much that when it came time to continue with this one, or the others I've published, I couldn't think of anything that you would really enjoy reading.

Secondly, the last few months have been absolutely fucking dogpiled with high school work, projects, traumatic incidents as well as problems with my mental and emotional health, relationships and, to a degree, my self esteem. Because of this, I couldn't find the energy or motivation to focus on all of my books at the same time, which might sound like a shitty excuse at first, but it's the truth.

Thirdly, with all the shit going on in my life, and having a writing platform here on Wattpad (albeit a small one) on top of that, it was getting pretty overwhelming trying to constantly come up with ideas for every new chapter of every book I've published on this app. I tried coming up with numerous solutions to this, which did not work at all. So, I ultimately decided to focus on one book until I wasn't as overwhelmed, that one book being Elementals. And once the first installment was complete, (or in this case, close to completion) I'd return to the other books until I was ready for the sequel.

Now, I know I basically abandoned this book for four months, and I am so sorry for making you all wait hopelessly for a new chapter, thinking that this book might turn into an unfinished oneshot. But I'm back now, and I promise to try uploading as regularly as possible from now on.

I hope that that clears up why I've been MIA for four months, and once again, I'm sorry for leaving. But the next chapter will be published soon, so stay tuned for that.

[Also, feel free to drop any chapter suggestions you might have in the comments, cuz I have no fucking clue what to write about next😅]

With that, I hope you have a great rest to your day, and I will see you soon.


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