part 9

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Sangjins pov:
What did I just hear? Did jungkook really just confess to me? Did I hear it right? But im...I don't know, do I feel the same? Why is he suddenly confessing at this time? Why? He's my friend. My best friend. My friend snice I was a kid.

Sangjin was shocked and just didn't know how to answer and so she came back to reality and looked at him.

Jk: You okay?
S: Yeah, um, I have to go.

She just walked passed him, jungkook was shock that she didn't answer back but he knows that this was suddenly and she needs to take it in for awhile, the camp was far from this river sangjin walked talking to herself.

S: jungkook, why? Why tell me now? What do I do? How am I supposed to answer this? How will I answer? I mean, do I feel the same? I don't know. But I don't want to hurt him. Ah!

Sangjin wasn't paying attention to where she was walking, and she had fallen into a hole, a dig up hole.

S: Oh, ow...ow..oh no.

She couldn't get up she had twisted her ankle, and she realized no one knew she's gone.

S: Help!!! Help!! Someone! Jungkook!

Jungkooks pov:
I was following behind sangjin, and I realized she was walking away so fast. Is she that shock? My confession is a simple "I like you." Did I do something wrong? Was that not it?

I wasn't paying attention in front of me until I realized I had lost sangjin because of how dark it was. Then I heard her voice yelling for help, I ran to look for her.


S: Help!!!! Jungkook! *crying* help me someone.....

Sangjin gave up, and she started to cry.

S: This is the worst trip ever! No one is gotta find me! *crying* mom, dad, I'm so scared of the dark... pleasesomeone....*crying* I broke my leg. I can't get up...jungkook....
Jk: sangjin!

Sangjin looked up, and there was jungkook she gasped.

S: jungkook, help me! Get me out of here *crying*
Jk: Okay! Stay clam imma get a rope.

Sangjin cried as jungkook got up and ran to look for a rope near the camp site, he finally found one and bought a light with him so he remembers where sangjin was, he finally made it back to the hole and tie the rope on a tree and throw the rope.

Jk: Can you reach it?
S: Yeah.
Jk: Can you climb up?
S: I can't! I twisted my ankle!
Jk: Okay, I'm coming down.

Jungkook jumped down and bent down.

Jk: Get on, I'll piggyback you as I climb back up.
S: Okay*sob*

Sangjin got a hold on his neck, and he grabbed the rope and climbed up. Finally, they got out, and sangjin turned to jungkook and hugged him, crying.

S: I was so scared. *crying* I didn't know what to do*crying* Thank you, jungkook.
Jk: There's there.

Jungkook pat her back as she cried, and later, she broke the hugged and looked at him.

S: I thought you left me...
Jk; no, I didn't, you're my friend. I would never leave you, I was right behind you, and then I looked back, and you were gone, but I found you. Thank god. Can you walk?
S: Yeah.
Jk, good, let's go.

Jungkook helped her up, and they walked to the camp site . The next morning came everyone was gather to meet the teacher at the front who was talking about their trip.

T: I have to say that we have to leave the camp site because there was a hole in the forest for animals found, and sangjin had taken a fall in there breaking her ankle, and I don't want any of you hurt, so we will be leaving today, I know we only be here snice yesterday but that hole is not safe for you guys. So please, boys and girls, go pack your things and meet me at the bus so I can take attendance.
All: Okay!

They all went to their campsite as sangjin leap, and her roommates helped her. Everyone was packing and later came out and went to the bus, jungkook went to sangjins tent and she got her suitcase ready.

Jk; let me help you with that.
S: I got it.
Jk: With that ankle? I don't think so, let's go.

Jungkook helped her with her bags, and she leaped to gold him as they both walked to the bus. They all ended up on the road and it started to rain badly.

T: alright guys put your seat belts on and hold on tight. This rain is nasty.

Sanjin looked at jungkook.

S: im sorry for not answering your confession
Jk: That's okay. I can wait.
S: it's just....its my first time someone confessed to me.
Jk: Oh.
S: Yeah.
Jk: You know, when we stopped talking after not knowing you have asthma, I told myself that I should change my appearance for you, and I did. I work out, I had a diet, and I grew my hair just for you to like me. But I also had a trauma.

Sangjin looked at him shock.

Jk: I was in a bad accident with my grandpa back at Korea on a rainy day, just like today. We went out to shop for my dad's birthday and as we came back a blink in a eye a huge headlight was infront of us and had hit us, I remember the car was upside down and my grandpa was stuck our car was leaking oil, they got me out and they couldn't take my grandpa out so the car exploded and that's what took my grandpa's life.

Sangjin pov: Am I hearing this right? I'm getting to know jungkook more.

Jk: That's why I wanted to protect you from everything, I didn't want to lose you as my best friend. That's why I confessed because will I like you so much ever since we see each other again and that I love everything about you.
S: Aw, thanks, but I'll give you a better answer soon.
Jk: Right, you're will.

They smile and then the bus made a hard turn everyone scream and the bus hit a pole, turns out a bird hit the window that's why the bus driver trun hard.

T: Everyone's okay? Imma call help.

Everyone nodded, and jungkook started breathing heavily. rememberly, his past with his grandpa.

S: jungkook?
Jk: Get me out.

Jungkook took off his belt and got up Ms. Williams saw.

W: jungkook, sit back down!
Jk: Get me out of this thing!

He started to get scared as the doors opened.

S: No, jungkook!

Jungkook hopped out and was just outside covering his ears, panting hard he was soaked in the rain. Sangjin then got out and covered him with a umbrella, jungkook looked at her.

S: it's going to be okay, can get past this, I promise you I won't leave you, imma protect you too.

Jungkook brust out, crying and hugging her sangjin sigh in relief as she got him to clam down. She pat his back.

S: it's okay....

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