Chapter 2

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Marcel's pov:

It's 8.40 in the morning, I was woken up at 8.20 by a servant that told me that my first lesson of the day is at 9,30, a history lesson with one of my qualified teachers that my father picked out.

But today, I am putting a stop to this! This is my life and I get to choose what I wanna do.

I am already dressed, and ready to eat breakfast. But it can wait. I will go and talk to papa about this. He has to agree, if he doesn't then I won't be attending any of my lessons.

After all, he can't make me. Right?

I go to papa's office/work room, that he stays in when he's not at work to do basically work more. (kinda a workaholic)

The office is on the other side of the house then my bedroom. Papa's bedroom is very close to mine, on the other end of the hall and other side.

While I walk towards the office, I start to rethink if I want to do this. But I have to. He can not keep making every decision for me!

I reach the door and I take a deep breath in before knocking.

"What is it?" I hear my papa's deep morning voice, he probably woke up not too long ago.

"It's Me, Papa. I want to talk to you" I said while I opened the door, it came out a bit more childishly then what I rehearsed in my head

"Marcel, I do not have a lot of time, and neither do you. You should be getting ready for your lesson" he stated and then added "Is there something you need?"

"Well, yes there is."I said confidently. "I have been saying this for the past months, but now that I am about to turn 8 years old, I think it's fair to say that I am old enough to make my own decisions about my academics" I stated in a overly confident tone, that probably sounded very cocky to Papa, but for me I was trying to sound as smart and mature as possible.

My "ego top" attitude was quickly shut down after papa said very calmly, without showing any emotions the whole time"No. Go eat breakfast and wait for your teacher"

I was furious. He's not even listening to me!

"I will not go to that stupid lesson! And I will not listen to you! I-I want t-to go to sccchool" I screamed at first but the last part I kind of cry/whined.

Papa looked over at me from his paperwork and for a moment I saw a slightly shocked expression that changed into disappointment and then back to the normal I-have-no-soul face.

At this point I was crying, screaming and stomping my feet. I know this is such a dramatic way to react. But I am soo lonely all the time and I am not allowed to go outside of the property without "adult supervision".

I turned around to the door and was about to leave so I can cry some more in my room (obviously with full intention of slamming the door).

"Marcel come here" Papa warned with rage slipping of his tongue. He stood up and walked a few steps towards me pointing to a spot before him.

"Leave me alone!" I once again sobbed out while trying to scream. Opening the door and stepping out.

But when I tried to slam it, it was caught by papa holding the door handle.

He then pulled the door open grabbing my upper arm, that was still holding on to the door. He Then picked me up while I was screaming and trying to get out of his grip. Papa Closed the door, and walked over to his chair and sitting down making me stand between his legs.

After a few minutes of holding me in front of him while I was still expressing my displeasure, I was so angry that I said "I hate you! You don't let me do anything I wanna do! Your so mean and bossy all the time!"

His eyes darkened and face slightly twitched.

"Calm down this instance. If you are so grown up then why are you throwing a tantrum like a two year old? This behaviour is unacceptable. Do you understand me?" He said with a tight jaw and eyebrows slightly lowered.

I didn't say anything, this is the first time Papa was completely focused on me. But it wasn't for a good reason. All the anger I had disappeared and I just felt incredibly sad that Papa was mad at me.

I stopped thrashing around and just stood there with his arms holding both of my shoulders. I looked down and sobbed.

"Marcel." He started this time a lot more softly, trying to look at my face while I was avoiding his.

"I-I'm sssorry" I sobbed.

He quickly picked me up placing me on his lap, while he held me close to his chest. He rubbed my back with one hand and the other placed on my head to keep it on his chest and right under his chin.

I calmed down while listening to his heart.

He then pulled me away from his chest so he could look at me.

"Marcel, my sweet little boy. I don't want you to feel lonely in any way, but when it comes to your education I have decided that this will be the best option for you. But then again we can find other ways for you to leave the house and meet other kids your age." He told me, while whipping away the tears on my cheeks.

"Really?" I asked very fond of the idea

"Of course. And I will be more then happy to sign you up for some sports or art classes or anything you want really. But I will not tolerate outbursts like this. If you ever raise your voice to me in that manner again, I will not hesitate to put you over my knee and give you a spanking. Do u understand this Marcel?" He said now in a more stern voice.

"Yes papa" I said, but at the moment I didn't realise that he was serious. I just thought he's trying to scare me.

"Good boy" he hugged me for a few more minutes.

I was already late for my history lesson, but papa went downstairs to greet my teacher with me to apologise for my tardiness.


First actual chapter. Hope you liked it :)
If you have any ideas for next chapters I am very open to suggestions.

My son, Marcel (spanking, non-sexual)Where stories live. Discover now