Chapter 4

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"Mrs Hollis and lady Uzma, I will only be letting you off with a warning but I won't be so forgiving next time." "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, headmaster."

"You may leave and I hope to never see you in my office again for a matter such as this."

"Yes ma'am."


After leaving the headmasters office we made our way towards our last class for the day and yes GRACE was still walking behind us mumbling and giggling something to her underlings because nearly all our classes are  together.

"Ah good afternoon, you must be the new transfer students, my name is Cordilia but you will address me as Mrs Cordilia, I will be your Combat and weaponry instructor as of today."

"My class is as the name suggests, I will be teaching you how to use weapons and sharpening your Combat skills."

"Now you three will be needing sparing partners-...."

"Mrs Cordilia, I would like to volunteer myself as Freya's sparing partner."

"Ah, Grace, why I don't see a problem with that, what do you think Lady Freya?"

'Now I see what they're trying to pull, so she is going as far as to involve the teachers just to soothe here petty ego.' "I don't mind, please lead the way."

We made our way towards the center of the wooden room causing everyone to stop in their tracks slowly forming a circle around us while Diana, Valeria and Astoria stood infront of the crowd, naturally standing out because of their height. 'Why are those three standing together'.

"Don't worry Freya, I will try my best to go easy on you b-...."

"Okay, can we just skip the trash talk and get this over with?"

"Aren't you a feisty one, Frey."

'What did she just call me?'

"Attention please!!, the rules are simple, the first person on the ground for longer than 5 seconds loses the duel."

Now, begin!

Without a second to waste, Grace comes at me trying to close the distance between us which was a smart move since I did have the upper hand in long range combat because of my height, however she wasn't fast enough.

Before she can get any closer I extended my leg kicking her in the stomach causing her to come crashing onto the wooden floor coughing and holding onto her stomach.

I quickly made my way towards her as she scrambled to get up only to be slammed down as I sit on her stomach, locking her in place before slapping her on her right cheek followed by her left "It's lady freya"was all I said before getting up  making my back face her.

It took her a while to process what just happened before a loud voice brought her back " The winner of this duel is Lady freya !!!" Before the whole room erupted in cheers.

Graces face void of any emotion before turning a dark shade of pink as her lips turned into a frown 'Of course the girls embarrassed, she just lost to a newbie'

"So I guess she does know how to fight".

"Did Grace just have her ass handed to her?"

"Damn, and here I was rooting for her".

"Shut up!!Freya how dare you use such dirty tricks and you call yourself a lady!!"

Grace yelled as she lunged towards me to make one final attempt to redeem herself 'talk about shameless'.

But before she can reach me she tripped over Astorias foot which just so happened to be there and fell on the floor for the second time today.'that really must hurt'.

Grace looked up now laying flat on her stomach try to see as to what or who tripped her only to be met with three faces glancing down at her "Come on grace that's enough, you've mopped the floor enough for one day."Astoria scoffed as a few giggles could be heard but what surprised her even more was the one beside her stifling a laugh as she reached out to help her up.

'Was Diana seriously laughing right now'?

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