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Author's Note:

Hi, it's definitely been a long time! How are you? Where have I been? Oh everywhere! But let's catch up! What I'll be presenting to you is an independent story still in its let's just call developmental stage - so expect everything to be touch and go, a bit erratic, and complicated (just how I want every story I write to be). I'm working one day at a time so please be patient with me! (although you've all been for years now lol)

All you need to know about this is that its JaThea meets The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, set in my imagined first-world country Philippines. It has the essence of Hollywood-like production quality with a backdrop of the same intrigue and scandals as well so a heads-up is due. With that, here's a prologue of the story, for me more like a sample if you may. Enjoy! (I hope.)


"Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever when my act does not involve judgment and decision." - Erich Fromm


Althea <> B&K monthly meeting, 9 am @ MGA Office

It's half past eight, and Althea's staring thoughtlessly at the meeting reminder notification on her phone. She's never been one to let people wait for her attendance, in her time in the business some good 20 years or so, she's only been late twice; the first one was due to a storm, the second one due to a delayed flight. All valid reasons in the eyes of people working for and with her, but not for Althea. She prides herself on being quote - "the only artist from MGA Network worth working with."

Goodnight, Thea. I'll be home soon. I'll see you when you get back from Singapore.

Jade didn't come home last night due to a lock-in shoot out of the country and Althea's messily missing the younger woman. They've been spending less and less time together both professionally and privately and she's still a stranger to the feeling of this Jade-shaped void in her chest cavity, gnawing on her self-preservation every chance it gets. It's silly, missing someone this much, but Althea sourly entertains the feeling and welcomes it as if it's akin to her.

Thea, are you on your way?

Batchi calling...

Althea heavily sighs as she stands up from her half-empty queen-sized bed, ignoring the call, and lightly padding her bare feet towards the en-suite. She slept with a good amount of scotch in her system and the party from the night before, she looked older than her actual age with what was left of her Cusi masterpiece of an updo last night, it's almost painful. Until she realizes how much she wanted to grow old when she was younger. Ironic and messed up, there's nothing worth living in this world when you're an aging actress, waddling haplessly in the thin sheet of new generations' approval and what's left of your appeal to your fanbase.

Althea donned a leopard print blazer and black bell bottom power suit, another skin to shield her from whatever the meeting might entail. No one knows the real Althea anyway, 20 years and her fanbase is still wondering whether her real last name is Guevarra or De Castro or if it's even either of the two. Another long-standing intrigue is if her birthday is on February 26th or September 3rd. Althea did a great deal to keep herself as private as possible before she agreed to sign her first-ever contract with MGA Network, this aided her personality's charm and enigma and the people bought it.

Her social media accounts are active and a particular fan favorite due to their interactivity but nothing of it is personal. She's never once posted a picture on Instagram or tweeted anything on her own. What Althea has is a system of people who know exactly how Althea will interact with her fans herself if she ever does. Althea is a marketing strategy and a very believable persona. A hundred percent loveable, and men and women both lusted for her over the years and until now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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