Chapter Two

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Whistlekit stood in the centre of the camp, rooted to the spot. Her fur was bristling as though she had just been struck by lightning, and energy coursed through her veins. Her tail lashed with excitement.

"Today's your big day!" Snowhawk told her. Her and Daisypetal were sitting with Whistlekit as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Their eyes were brimming with pride for their daughter.

"How do you feel?" Daisypetal asked anxiously.

"I feel great!" replied Whistlekit. "A little nervous, but mostly excited!"

Her white pelt, patterned with black speckles and splashes, gleamed in the sunlight. All morning her mothers had worked hard to groom her fur, picking out scraps of leaf and twig, combing through it with their tongues, and teasing out knots with their claws. Now Whistlekit believed she was the best groomed cat in the Clan. Her claws worked into the ground. Would the ceremony start soon?

Cats were already starting to emerge from dens. They waited in the clearing, eager to see the apprentice ceremony.

Or at least some of them are, Whistlekit thought bitterly. Duststorm had been casting not-so-subtle glares at Whistlekit's family the whole morning. He watched her with disdain, then whispered something into Coldfur's ear.

Whistlekit scowled. She knew a couple of her Clanmates resented her for not being Clanborn, but did they have to be so obvious about it?

Snowhawk seemed to notice too. She glowered at Duststorm and Coldfur, then glanced at Whistlekit.

"Don't worry, little one. Cats may judge you now, but when you are the best warrior this Clan has ever seen, they'll forget all about where you came from." Snowhawk said, strength in her voice.

"How do you know that?" Whistlekit sniffed.

Snowhawk replied softly "Because I'm not Clanborn. Cats used to judge me too, but look at me now."

Whistlekit's jaw dropped. "You're not Clanborn?" Her mother had never told her that. She was about to press her, when a yowl cut her off.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" announced Goldenstar.

The ThunderClan cats that had been milling around the clearing began to gather. More emerged from dens. Whistlekit saw Palemilk and her three kits ducking out of the nursery, and the warriors Quickwhisker and Leaftoe exiting their den.

Daisypetal licked her daughter's ear. "It's your time to shine." She murmured. Whistlekit felt her heart warm.

She inhaled deeply, then padded forward into the centre of the clearing. Her questions about Snowhawk's past would have to wait.

"We are gathered here today," announced Goldenstar. "For one of my favourite ceremonies. A kit has reached her sixth moon, and it is time for her to become an apprentice."

All the cats turned their heads expectantly to stare at Whistlekit. She suddenly felt as though the gazes of the other cats were burning into her pelt.

"Whistlekit, from this day forward, until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Whistlepaw."

Whistlepaw! She thought joyfully. Her heart was pounding. With what? Excitement? Fear?

"Your mentor will be Silvertail."

Whistlepaw's breath caught in her throat. Silvertail? The Clan's deputy? The Clan leader's sister?

The slim, graceful silver tabby she-cat emerged from the crowd. She fixed her clear green gaze on Whistlepaw.

"Silvertail, you are a fierce, dutiful cat, and a loyal deputy, and I trust that you will pass your skills on to Whistlepaw."

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