Chapter 18

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"well.." I akwardly said through my teeth with my head facing the 

light blue carpet.

"Taylor spill, don't even i don't why you would do this. You're trying to make a comeback.." she scolded me like a child

"Stop stop just hear me out for one second"

I love her but sometimes she treats me like I'm a 5-year-old, I'm a grown woman, I can make my own decisions 

"you gonna start talking?" She said cocking an eyebrow at me

"Well, there's this girl, and she's been sending me DMs about how her fathers like sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive and because I obviously can't talk to her through DMS I invited her to the secret sessions. A few non-major things happened there but then at the end, she broke down because her dad called her and said that she needed to find another place to stay for the night because he had a girl over."


'What did you want me to do? Just let her live out her miserable life?"

"Taylor that's not what I'm saying I j-"

"What tree? Then what are you trying to say because it seems to me that's EXACTLY what you're trying to s-"

"TAYLOR STOP! You NEVER think these things through, you always start talking to fans like this, and then what? What's going to happen to this girl? Are you going to let her move in with you? Is she just going to be your kid? What's her father going to think about this? You need to think these things through, you can't just go dilly-dally your way through life"

I sat there sulking in my thoughts for a good 30 seconds I really didn't think this through, what was I going to do with her? I mean.. I wouldn't mind if she moved in with me

"Taylor, honey I'm sorry but you really need to think carefully about this."

"no, it's not your fault I'm sorry, but like, don't be mad but I really wouldn't mind if she moved in with me, I can't let her live with that monster he's crazy and absolutely does not give one shit about her"

"Ok, well you can't just 'have her' move in with you she has a parent with custody of her even if he is abusive."

"cant I just call CPS?"

"you could, but would she be ok with that? and you would still need to get custody of her before someone else claims her, and are you even sure that you are ready for this big of a change? This would be taking in a kid, a living breathing... thing. You need to make sure she has friends, goes to school, you need to get her therapy, make sure she eats well, and you also still need to talk to your mom about this."

"I'll talk to her about it, and I'm definitely ready for this, i cant sit back and watch this girl live a depressing horrible life."

"Alright honey, well you should go talk to her, ill see you later babe."

"Ok, see you" 

I picked up all my things off the floor and stumbled out of Trees office into my car.  On the drive home, I tried to formulate a plan for what I was going to do with this girl. Was I just going to go ask her "Oh hey can I rip you away from everything you know and love? " Im sure she wouldn't mind moving out of her dads, but i cant just take her. 

--flash forward to Taylor getting home--

I opened the squeaking door to find Amelia passed out on the couch with Benji on her lap and the Reputation Stadium tour on the song "Dress" playing.

Every time I see her so at peace and calm and safe I just want to ensure that she'll stay like this forever but I cant, it's way too soon to ask the poor girl, I plan to let her stay a few more days and if she's comfortable, ask her how she feels about potentially fostering her. First things First though, It was around 2, so I needed to make her a late dinner

--Amelia's POV--

*pretend that this is a flashback to the time this chapter started*

Once I had finished cleaning my dishes and putting them away, I hear a buzzing coming from my phone. As I moved towards the vibrating phone, I saw a screen photo. My dad was calling.

"uhm.. Hi dad"

"heyyy swetie" He slurred out. "You having a fun time at your friendssss?"

"Oh, yeah, she let me, I mean her mom let us doordash food which was super cool and then we wa-"

"Yeah hun that's great, listen, I kind of forgot to tell my new girl that i have a kid so I just need you there for like another week tops, alright sweetheart"



"Hey baby, who are you on the phone with" I heard a women who was definalty a smoker say as she approached towards my dad and kissed him on the forehead

"Oh, no one sweet pea, listen i gotta go, don't worry your a smart girl, you can work it out I know it" He said, as i tried to protest i heard the line go dead, my sobs in the same key as the buzz.

I remember when I was his sweet pea, now the name means nothing, all I see is a man who once was. Who once was a husband, a father, a brother, an uncle, but now was just, nothing. Theres nothing left in my father, he's just a sad ball of nothingness. Hes empty, he's told me almost 6 times now that he was "getting sober"

I pulled out my diary to try to self reflect and turn this into a song. I remember this one time i had won a scholarship to go with a bunch of other 8th graders to go to Kyoto, Japan. As i was there, my dad called me and told me that he was getting sober, i screamed at him and told him I didn't belive him anymore, and he's a liar.

Later that week, he sent me a letter, but I was just so done that i burned the letter. I sometimes wish i knew what he put in there, sometimes i gaslight myself into believing that he's a good person, that he's trying to get better. And then I realize that honestly, he might be way to far gone to save.

I always admired the fact that Taylor Swift had the insane ability to turn her crazy teenage emotions into song. Because i had so many insane emotions, i tried to put them into song. They started out horrible, but even though I'm a little bit bias I really do think that i got pretty good, and what better place to song write than THE Taylor Swifts house?

I picked up a random pet with Ellen DeGeneres face on it (what?) and started writing

"Day off in Kyoto..."


My dog is currently sleeping in my room also, i want cola, also IDK if i put this in my last chapter but i cried so hard when she played dorothea that I'm so serious i blacked out for a couple minutes, like I'm deadass I'm not fucking w u. But anyways so sorry this tok so long, i always say the next ones not going to take as long but like lets be fr. Luv u!

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