Chapter 1. The start

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Hello and welcome to the traumatic experience you will face when you read this book, I re-watch the entirety of MHA to get all the lines down pat and put a few twists in it, I'm an idiot and enjoy

I have no idea when it's set so I'll just be like the multiverse and shit so we are in the year currently, because this might be forgotten...:P

For cash, I will be using whatever you guys tell me I should use

Y/n= your name
Your last name is R'mere

For those who don't know hanahaki is a fictional disease. How do you get hanahaki? You fall in love... but they don't love you back or you don't know who it is... that's the case for Y/n... almost everyone in her class or just around her she thinks is attractive, but... we can't start from there can we? We need to start when she was born

It was a cold spring day in Japan, and the smell of medicine and cleaning chemicals was one of the many smells that were around, but 2 things didn't smell bad, a musky perfume and the smell of petrol.

"She's gorgeous..." people talking echoed throughout her mind, she couldn't seem to understand what they were saying though she tried to put it through her tiny mind, but everything was just all gibberish to her.

"She looks just like you..." suddenly a change of scenery, a house with a dark red door that was two stories and made out of grey stone bricks the roof was a darker grey and was made from tiles, and vines crept up around the home, the garden was a decent size and had all different types of flowers and plants growing, this was home. This was her home.

A few months later she said her first word
"Jax" Jaxon was the name of her older brother, he was 5 and they also had another sister she was 3 her name was Olivia. Jaxon had just got his quirk, but to understand his quirk you need to understand our parent's quirks.

You're Dad, Santiago R'mere, one of the most known heroes in the world for being able to change things' appearance and can summon any weapon he's ever touched he can also summon a confession out of anyone. He can make himself look like anyone he's ever met which is also really good for being an undercover hero.

You're Mom, Maria Munro (maiden name) is known for her wings, she was born with white barn owl wings, large and extremely quiet. Her mother died in childbirth, so she was worried she would have a child with wings but she never did. She was mostly known throughout the hero world as being one of the best undercover heroes. She wasn't exactly easy to find, yes her quirk does have barn owl wings but she can also transform into a barn owl, so that made it even harder to find her.

Jaxon's quirk was around the same type as his dad's, but only that he could summon a force field. It's an extremely strong quirk if you had a partner but on your own, it's just like you're trapped in a bubble, Jaxon was stuck in his force field for around an hour before he passed out from extended use of his quirk.

Over the years we all found out that Olivia was quirkless. So she got picked on relentlessly. While I grew up I understood more, we weren't a strict family, we were a happy family, we would travel a lot just because someone wanted to go somewhere, Olivia changed schools a lot because a lot of people didn't like her because she was quirkless, so Mom and Dad put her and Jaxon in the same school together, things began to change because Jaxon would stick up for her. It was good for a while.

Dad would always go to work during the week but had the weekends off, no matter what he would always have weekends off just to spend time with us. So Mom always had to watch us kids, go to every school meeting for the others, to every birthday party invitation, but I was still a toddler, unsure of what was happening but still wanted to go everywhere with Mom, wherever Mom was I was, I was like an extension of her, I knew when she was upset or happy or anxious.

She was devastated when it happened...

When Jaxon and Olivia were walking to the bus from school, a Villain showed up killing every child around, Jaxon yelled at Olivia to get on the bus, and she did, she thought Jaxon was getting on too, but he shut the doors and faced the villain, Jaxon blocked the villain off with his forcefield and cut the villains left arm off with it, but he was too late anyway, the villain had thrown a knife before Jaxon had used his quirk and cut open his neck, both of them bled out in front of Olivia.

Jaxon was a hero, but the price was himself.

When Mom found out about his death she was broken. Her firstborn born, always on the news, on every radio station, on every website, she couldn't get away from it. She had turned off completely, Olivia was traumatized, actually being there and watching it happen was torture, but also not having a quirk was even harder because she couldn't help. Dad had to stop going to work, he was hurt too but he had to look after me and Olivia.

Mom was never around anymore. She was there but it wasn't her, it was like she was on autopilot, sometimes I could see her flying as an owl but once she landed she would curl her wings around her human body and cry. I was three when it happened, and she was still the same 1 year and a half later, within that year Olivia turned 8, and I was four and a half.

I yelled at Mom, I screamed at her, tears in my eyes falling like a hurricane, trying to get her to have any kind of emotion at me, anger love anything, I didn't know what she was feeling anymore. That's when my quirk came. Wings pierced through my skin covered in blood and yet somehow Jaxon appeared. That's where her attention went. Him. I had two quirks, My mom's wings, and dad's quirks but I could change anything. But I didn't control him coming back, it was like he used me to get through.

"You need to be there for them" Jaxon had told her, she fell to her knees in front of him while he was pointing to me and Olivia. Dad was behind me with a towel getting the blood off my wings, they were small, and I couldn't fly with them yet. Jaxon just disappeared as I had passed out.

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