An eventful day at the beach...

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I sat up and pushed stop on my alarm. I then looked over at Louise who was dressed and had her makeup and hair done perfectly.
"Chummy!" I yelled but in a jokey manner, "why didn't you wake me up!"
"Oh no! Breakfast is in an hour but I'm going to an meeting about Louise Live in America and then were all going to the beach straight after" she grinned at me.
"Woo yeah!" I laughed and then began getting into the shower.
Nearly exactly 1 hour later and I had straightened hair, natural makeup done, teeth brushed. I was wearing a relatively tight white t-shirt and blue denim shorts. (What she wore in Italy, picture above.)
I proceeded to march out of my hotel room, locking the door behind me. I went a few doors along and knocked on Alfie and Caspars door.
They soon answered, "helloo boys, come onnn" I giggled.
They were both dressed and Alfie looked hotter than ever. (he's also wearing what he did in Italy, pic above.)
"Stop checking me out and follow" Alfie joked as he did his little side ways smile at me.
"I'm joking, you look lovely" he said, blushing a little bit.
"Well you look hot so..." I held my hand out for a high high and he hit it lightly.
"Wait...where did Caspar go?" Alfie questioned.
I looked over at the lift and saw the doors opening and Caspar, Marcus and Niomi all stepped out of it.
"Hi guys...and Nimbob!" I giggled slightly whilst hugging them all.
When I came to Caspar he said, "well you've already seen me but you were too busy with lover boy over there"
"Oh shut up!" I blushed dark red and he gave my shoulder a gentle push.
I shoved him as hard as I could back but that wasn't very much for Caspar.
I looked back over at Alfie, he was talking to Niomi. I love him so ridiculously much.
After breakfast, we decided to all head down to the beach, Louise had managed to get there just in the nick of time for breakfast.
We were all walking up to were the beach is, as it was only about 5 minutes away from our hotel.
When we arrived, we all went and bought beach balls and lilows for messing about with I guess.
"Shall we walk along here and then just walk around and over those rocks, that beach behind them, although you can't really see it, looks a lot better" Louise asked us all, gaining nods from everyone, we began walking.
(Just saying... I have absolutely no clue on what beaches look like in America, so I'm just guessing and sorry if I get it wrong although I would love to know so please comment.)
I walked next to Alfie and stood quite close to him despite the hotness and lack of needed wind.
Our hands brushed together and I left them simply touching. Alfie suddenly grabbed onto my hand and held it in his, I immediately Hurd squeals coming from behind us. I looked round and Tanya and Jim were majorly fangirling. I shook my head and laughed. They quickly ran infront of us to catch up with the other who were already half way over the rocks. We were about to start climbing when I looked over at Alfie.
That's when it clicked.
We stared straight into each others eyes from what seemed like minutes, but trust me I could look at them for an eternity. I began to lean in but he pulled me off the rock first and backwards onto the beach and away from sight of the others.
We both leant it. Getting closer and closer to each others faces.
Suddenly, our lips collided, every worry I had, faded. This kiss was full I love and passion.
Our mouths worked together, moulding and slotting in place, like we were connected and meant to be.
We pulled out, gasping for air, and just looked at each other.
"Zo... I-I love"
"I love you too alfalfa" we kissed again and this time it was definite. My mouth opened wide letting him access everywhere. We were kissing for what seemed like forever, letting out small, quiet moans every so often.
When we pulled out again, I wrapped my arms round his waist and he hugged me tightly.
"I love you so much" I said, with happy tears streaming down my face.
"I love you millions" he replied.
We let go, before he spoke, "we should get back to the others"
"I know, do I look okay?"
"Your lucky I didn't have lipstick on" I laughed and he laughed back whilst nodding his he's and doing his clap.
I wiped round my eyes and we finished climbing over the rocks.
My heart is full, the missing puzzle piece was fixed in. I couldn't be happier.
"And were the bloody hell have you two been?" Louise asked, trying to be stern, but failing and she laughed at the end.
Tanya whispered something to Jim and they both looked at us, he then nodded back to her.
I looked at then quizzically then walked over.
"You kissed him didn't you?" Tanya grinned at me.
I felt the heat rising in my cheeks.
"I knew itttt!!!!" Tanya quietly squealed again.
"What I- how did you know?"
"It's obvious Zoë!" She said still grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat.
"Come on" I said as I pulled them over towards the rest of the group.
"Can we get ice cream?!" Caspar shouted.
"Yahhhh!" I replied.
Myself and Alfie (moved in togethherrrr... Sorry it reminds me of that Everytime.) walked at the back and I soon felt his arms snake round my waist and onto my bum.
I smirked and pointed out the huge icecream place infront of us. He then pointed out Tan and Jim infront of us. He had his arm round her waist and bum, the same with Marcus and Niomi and ... Caspar and Joe were walking very close together. Louis and Louise were just walking and hysterically laughing about something or other.
"I'm so glad your mine now" Alfie smiled at me.
"Me too Alfie, me too"
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said, out of the blue.
I looked at him, shocked... "Of course I will!!"

Georgia. Xx

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