One Heck Of A Wake Up Call

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Waking up is a bitch, but waking up from falling off the bed, and slamming your head against the bedside table is absolutely the worst, especially when you're not alone,

There's a curse in what I assume is Japanese not hundred percent sure though, then the sound of someone getting out of bed,

I push myself onto my knees by the time my gorgeous late night guest kneels beside me,

"Are you alright Cassidy?" Hanzo says he looks worried at first, but his expression turns to panic, "Cas you're bleeding!"

Well that explains a lot, I did hit my head pretty hard, hard hehe, okay I might have hit it harder than I thought,

"Cas sit still I'll go get your med kit then I'll take you to the infirmary, after I stop the bleeding" Hanzo doesn't give me time to respond as he runs into my bathroom,

damn am I bleeding that much, well considering I can feel something dripping down my throat I'd say yes,

I look around at my room there's random crap laying everywhere manly clothes, maybe the occasional belt buckle here and there, I really should have cleaned before having anyone in my room,

but there really wasn't much time for cleaning if you catch my drift wink wink winkity wink,

Hanzo's in front of me before I can realize he left the bathroom, and apparently turned on my room light I really don't know how I didn't notice the light on, but whatever I also didn't realize Hanzo putting on my favorite flannel shirt which looks fucking amazing on him, and if I'm being honest it looks better on him than me,

"Lookin' amazin' darlin' " my words are slurred, and it sounds like I'm wasted,
"You need to hold still so I can stop the bleeding." Hanzo says glaring,

Hanzo cleans the blood off my face, and neck, then he puts a bandage over my cut to stop the bleeding enough so he can get me to the medbay,

Hanzo says something, but my head is spinning, and my ears feel like there's cotton in them, he gets up and walks to my dresser he grabs my pajama pants out, comes back and helps me put them on,

well I say helps but he basically did it by himself I was no help, he says something again, but I still can't understand what he's saying,

Hanzo's dragons appear they squeak at me, then they jump on me, one is on my shoulder the other is in my lap, Hanzo kisses my check says something then walks out the door,

now I'm thinking what the fuck is going on, why did my boyfriend just walk out the door, and leave me with his weird cats, don't get me wrong I love Hanzo's weird cats, but come on,

I try to get up, but I immediately regret that when vile rises in my throat, and I'm dry heaving shit, is it to much to ask that I have a nice night with my wonderful boyfriend before a mission,

which Angie probably won't let me go on now, and Hanzo will have to go without me, which I hate, because I hate when we're not together,

Hanzo's dragons move onto the bed just in time, because of course I end up vomiting all over myself, and I'm also pretty sure I'm crying, the world tilts and everything goes black,

I wake up to my head throbbing, I open my eyes just to get blinded by the florescent lights, my arm is numb,( human arm not my stump ) and somethings weighing down my right side,

I look down there's long black hair covering my chest, and my boyfriend's face which is tucked into my shoulder, his arm is around my waist, I look around the room only to realize we're in the medbay, and my asshole best friend is sitting in a chair by the bed staring at me with his mask off smirking,

"Shut up Genji" I close my eyes, and I pass out again, now I didn't mean to pass out I was trying to be an ass and pretend I was, but my body had different ideas apparently,

The next time I wake up is to a throbbing headache, and it doesn't help that there's a loud ass beeping noise coming from somewhere,

I open my eyes slowly, the room is dark aside from a small light to my left, I look around, and there's a chair to my left, with Hanzo reading something with a small book light,

He looks up at me, and smiles, he closes his book, and sets it on a small table to his left,

"Good morning Cole, how are you feeling?" Hanzo says while he leans over, and kisses my cheek,

"I'm fine." I say, but Hanzo clearly doesn't believe me considering the face he's making, it's in-between a glare, and worry,

"Cole David Cassidy, do not lie to me, you already know you can't, I always know when you're in pain." I put on my famous puppy eyes that I know Hanzo can't resist, but to my dismay it doesn't work, and Hanzo gets up, and leaves the room despite my protests,

After a few minutes Hanzo returns with Angela right behind him, "good morning Cole, how are you?" Angela says smiling, it's a tired smile, but when is Angela not tired,

"Morin' Angie, I'm alright-" " he is lying don't listen to him." Hanzo says cutting me off,

"Well is it just a headache or is it something else" Angela says writing something down on a clipboard,

"My head is throbbing, and everything is spinin' a bit." Angela nods, and walks out of the room,

She comes back after a few minutes with a pill bottle,"it's ibuprofen take two, I'll be back in an hour to check on you."she sets two blue pills in my hand, and gives me a glass of water, I take the ibuprofen, and Angela takes her leave,

"Well this isn't how I thought our first night together would end" Hanzo says,

we end up talking for a while, till Angela says I can go back to my room, Hanzo and I head to my room, and watch movies for the better part of the day, Genji and Zenyatta end up joining us later, we all have a movie night that ends with us all bitching about who from The Bachelorette is hotter,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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