Chapter One - Celestial Body

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Soojin's car hummed softly as she navigated the winding country roads, the vibrant green canopy of the woods enveloping her. The tranquility of nature brought a much-needed respite from the chaos that had recently consumed her life. A gust of wind tousled her hair, and she couldn't help but smile, feeling a glimmer of hope stir within.

In need of a momentary pause, Soojin spotted a quaint gasoline station nestled on the outskirts of the forest. She pulled in, the tires crunching on the gravel, and brought her car to a gentle halt by the fuel pump. Stepping out, she inhaled the crisp air, allowing it to wash away the remnants of her frustrations.

As the gas flowed into her vehicle, Soojin took a moment to gather her thoughts. Her mind wandered to the person who had recently caused a whirlwind in her life—Shinae, a former colleague whose jealousy and delusions had shattered Soojin's career aspirations. Memories of the hurtful words and manipulative actions echoed through her mind, but she was determined not to let them define her.

With a sigh, Soojin whispered to herself, her voice carrying the weight of both frustration and resilience, "Why does Shinae have to be so delusional?"

In that moment, amidst the rustling leaves and the distant calls of birds, Soojin made a silent promise to reclaim her dreams. She refused to let Shinae's actions overshadow her path to success and happiness. Gathering her resolve, she decided to embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking solace and new beginnings in the mysteries of the forest.

As the last drops of fuel filled her tank, Soojin climbed back into her car, a renewed determination etched across her face. The engine purred to life, carrying her deeper into the heart of the unknown.

The neon-lit sign of the local bar flickered invitingly as Soojin parked her car nearby. As she stepped inside, the warm ambience embraced her, and the familiar scent of cocktails mingled with laughter filled the air. The bar was a haven, and her friend Yeji, a reliable confidante and skilled bartender, awaited her at the counter.

Yeji's eyes lit up as she caught sight of Soojin, a mix of concern and affection in her gaze. "So, you done dealing with Shinae yet?" she asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

Soojin shook her head, her eyes reflecting a lingering frustration. "No, Yeji. She's been consumed by jealousy, even up to now. It's disheartening."

Yeji, pouring a drink with practiced ease, listened intently. "Don't worry, my dear. Shinae's actions will come back to haunt her. Karma has a way of finding its mark. But you, my friend, have the power to rise above it all. It's time for a fresh start."

Handing Soojin the carefully crafted drink, Yeji grinned. "I didn't put too much alcohol in there, don't worry. It's a gentle reminder that you deserve a moment of respite and celebration."

"Thanks Yeji." Soojin's smile, though tinged with shadows of the past, grew as she accepted the drink. She raised it to her lips, feeling the cool glass against her fingertips. The liquid offered a tantalizing blend of flavors, as if whispering promises of renewal and new beginnings.

The ambient chatter in the bar quieted momentarily as all eyes turned towards the television screen. Soojin and Yeji exchanged curious glances, captivated by the breaking news that unfolded before them. The news anchor's voice crackled with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

On the screen, a mesmerizing celestial body came into view, streaking across the night sky. The news ticker flashed with urgency, proclaiming the approach of a comet hurtling towards Earth, its trajectory perilously close. Soojin and Yeji's gaze locked onto the televised spectacle, their curiosity piqued.

"Wonder where it will strike," Yeji mused, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and apprehension.

Soojin's eyes widened, her thoughts veering towards the potential consequences. "I hope it doesn't land on any important architecture or populated areas. It looks... rather substantial."

However, as the comet drew closer, Yeji leaned forward, her brows furrowing in disbelief. "Wait a minute, Soojin. Something doesn't add up. That doesn't look like a comet at all."

Intrigued, Soojin followed Yeji's gaze, studying the object with renewed scrutiny. As the images on the screen sharpened, realization dawned on them. The celestial visitor, once thought to be a comet, possessed a distinct and unfamiliar form. It bore an uncanny resemblance to a spaceship, a vessel from realms beyond their comprehension.

"It's more like a spaceship," Yeji exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of awe and disbelief.

Soojin stumbled through the outskirts of the bar's parking lot, a wave of nausea washing over her. The effects of the alcohol hit her harder than anticipated, causing her to clutch her stomach and stumble towards the edge of the woods.

Barfing her way through the haze, she muttered to herself, "Damn Yeji, she gave me too much alcohol. She told me she'd only put a few in. Good thing no one caught me driving like shit." The guilt of her compromised state weighed heavily on her, overshadowed by the urgent need to find solace amidst the mysteries of the forest.

Just as Soojin approached her car, her ears caught a sudden crash resonating through the trees. Her head snapped towards the source of the disturbance, her bleary eyes widening. Startled, the birds scattered from their perches, filling the air with a cacophony of wings beating against the wind.

Confusion etched across her face, Soojin muttered to herself, "What the hell?"

A primal curiosity stirred within her, overpowering the remnants of her inebriation. The crash, coupled with the startled flight of the birds, whispered of an event beyond the ordinary. Instinctively, she knew that this was no mere coincidence. The arrival of the spaceship and the crash she now witnessed were intrinsically linked.

With a surge of determination, Soojin abandoned her car and ventured deeper into the woods. Her footsteps were unsteady, her mind a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. The scent of damp earth filled her senses, intertwining with the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

As she pushed through the undergrowth, the sounds of her surroundings shifted. The air grew still, as if holding its breath in anticipation. The forest seemed to whisper secrets, its ancient trees bearing witness to the extraordinary events unfolding within their domain.

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