adios Hermana

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I was leaving after saying goodbye to my godsons. Their mom Wendy and I are cool with each other.

My ex husband Jax had been dead for a few years so we bonded.

I am basically the princess of Sons of Anarchy since I never left the club.

Don't get me wrong he was a narcissistic cheater and abuser but he was a good dad.

Wendy made me Abel and Thomas's guardian if something happened to her. Since Gemma Morrow also known as my ex-mother- in law is dead, she won't have to worry.

I got in my car and sighed.

Poor kids, the old clubhouse exploded, and Abel almost died that night, he cut himself when Tara died when he was just a kid.

I started my car and started to drive away from my location.

I was driving down a dusty road, and that's when I saw a guy freaking out.

Good thing I carry a pistol, a knife pepper spray, and brass knuckles!

I got out of my car.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, some MC rallied my bike?"

Ugh, Mayans!

"Which one?"

"Samcro. it was the Scottish one who did it.

My ex-boyfriend chibs!

"I wouldn't know any of the members I just know of them, the name's Talia."

"Ezekiel. Hey, you wouldn't mind if I hitched a ride with you maybe drop me off at my clubhouse."

"Sure, but hey pretty boy, if you try to make a pass at me, I have a knife on me, and a pistol and pepper spray and a taser also brass-knuckled! I got my ex-mother-in-law's crazy in me"

"SÍ Chíca.  Damn, what the hell have you been through?"

"You don't want to know. Just be glad I'm nice enough to give you a ride. What's your name again?"

"Ezekiel or Ez."

My dad died bike from being sabotaged by my step-father  Clay, my Mother was killed by Jax, my sister Tara's murdered by Gemma, Donna died, Opie died and so many more.

Trauma has made me stronger.

After a couple hours of driving we landed in Santo Padre.

"Damn, Talia."

He said my name rolling off his tongue.

"Can you just stop with that nickname? You ain't riding my pussy."
He said, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"You have three seconds to get out before I shoot you."

He got out of my truck.

Ugh, men!
I saw a man come out wearing the same cut as Ezekiel.

"I left my number on a piece of paper on your dashboard Mariposa," said Ezikel.

"Quit calling me butterfly!"

He bit his lower lip.

"Adios hermana."

I saw some Mayans wearing the same cutte.

Oh no. Marcus!"

As soon as Ez shut the door I drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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