We met once again

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Poseidon x reader


The arena is dead silent when Poseidon's arm separated from his body. The Gods that is watching from above the stadium were baffled that a mere human can cut the arm of a powerful God, while the humans are gaining a little hope that they might defeat at least one God, since they already lost two times from the previous battle.

Both of the participants receive a standing ovation from the crowd. Angry and shock from the Gods while happiness and relief from the humans side. They took down a God, a new hope shone in the humans eyes as they celebrate their very first victory. Meanwhile up above the stadium the higher up Gods discussed and share their thoughts.

"To think that we lost one of our strongest God to a mere human is impossible to imagine" said a topless male God with four arms, lavender skin, an eye like shape in his forehead with two diagonal triangles on each side and a set of closed eyes under his own two eyes.

"I agree with Lord Shiva it really is a shame that Lord Poseidon lost to his opponent; let alone a human" agreed another God with charcoal hair, markings on the left side of his forehead; the right side of his cheek and is wearing a butler uniform.


Poseidon woke up in a bed to what he find odd since he just lost in the battle, wait the battle, he jolted up of the bed and looked around but what he found brought him to the brink of insanity, both of his arm are intact so was his head. If he remember correctly his head was cut off , he should be dead by now then how in the world is he alive?. As he thought more of it debating if he should check the surroundings or not. The sound of footsteps echoed outside the door which caused him to reach out his trident just beside the bed and prepare his stance, ready to strike down whoever enter the room.

The door slowly opened to reveal a beautiful young maiden who is shock but happy to see him awake, a smile made its way to her face as she said the in the most gentle voice "hello again darling". Poseidon dropped his trident and didn't waste any time to engulf her into a hug to which she laughed. "Y-your here" pulling away from eachother they stared for awhile before chuckling. "I supposed my promise had been fulfilled" Poseidon turned to her and replied with the calmest and gentler voice than he ever give to anyone "yes, we met once again my love"

Don't and DON'T ever ask me for updates, I'll update this oneshot if I want to. Keep in mind that I have a life too, just like you. Writing stories are simply a hobby of mine and I appreciate if you'll wait until I update again.

Bye luvs

Luvs i need assistance please reply to me at the comments ♡

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