Parties and Desires

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Her parties were notorious in the Pride Ring. Drugs, drinks, sex and music filled the air.

"Yo, spooky tits!" Angel Dust called out, his voice almost unheard due to the loud music blasting in the building.

A short haired ravenette with blood red lips and black scleras turned around, her sexy black dress flowed with her movement.


Angel Dust looked at his best friend with slight concern. Victoria smiled warmly and looked up to the 8ft spider demon. The buzz from the alcohol and drugs causing a warm look to her small stature.

"Hey, babes!" Her voice rang out. She grabbed the spider in a lopsided hug. Pulling away from Angel, she pointed to the bar. "Wanna really party?"

"Fuck yeah, I do! Charlie has been on my dick about coming to your parties!" He yelled, puffing out his heart crested chest fluff. "She gave me 1 day where I could totally let loose and enjoy myself!"

The small demoness chuckled. "Well, I doubt you're going anywhere, Angie. Besides, if your in Heaven, who will I have to pester?"

Angel Dust smiled and looked in the direction of the door. "Maybe a certain strawberry pimp?"

Victoria looked in the direction Angel was and saw her long time friend, Alastor. His smile widened as he seen the smaller demon. He walked up to them quite easily, as all the demons were scampering out of the way.

"Hello, Darling!" He said, radio static ever present, sending chills down her spine. "Quite the shindig if I do say so myself!"

"Hi, Al!" She smiled. "It is quite the party. Every demon in the Pride Ring must be here. This is the biggest event I've ever thrown!"

"Well, Darling," he said, lowering himself down to meet her gaze. "I'd say the masterpiece is right in front of me."

Her pale cheeks flushed red at the compliment before smirking. "My dear, it seems the real show stopper here is you."

Alastor's grin widened ever so slightly.

"Might I offer you a drink, dear?" She purred, slowly pointing to the bar.

"Why, doll... I don't think I could argue with such a stunning little doe, hmm?"

Angel, Alastor and Victoria walked to the bar and ordered drinks

"Alright, a honey liqueur for the lady, whiskey neat for the gentleman and a pina colada for the pornsta'" the bartender said.

"Hey, I'm not-" Angel began, looking at the suited rabbit demon. "Nevermind. I am and I'm very good at what I do, honey."

The bartender blushed and began chatting with Angel. Victoria sipped her drink, nerves suddenly bubbling up to the surface. The close proximity to the Radio Demon had her head swimming.

You would think that after almost 80 years of friendship, the butterflies would subside. Nope.

Victoria breathed in deeply before finishing her drink. Alastor looked at her, but something else caught her eye.

His. His red eyes captivated her. He was looking at her with something she never saw before in the demon. She couldn't quite place it, but it made her nerves go into a lustful frenzy.

"Bartender, can you fix me a drink? Your pick," she drawls, flicking her eyes to the red clad demon next to her. "Would you like another one?"

Alastor looked at her, sharp teeth bared for all of Hell to see. "Yes, Mon Cher."

She ordered another whiskey neat and passed it to him.

This was gonna be fun.


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