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Everyone was in the dining hall either half asleep or fully asleep. Y/n and Duncan were sitting across from each other both of them asleep with their heads on the table

"Duncan, y/n, you two look like death," Chris says as he walks by the table

"Stick it" y/n and Duncan say at the same time and go back to sleep

"Harold snored all night" Courtney explained

"Wow. four nights with no sleep? How much are you hurting?" Chris asks

"Wanna find out?" Duncan threatens while y/n stays asleep

"No. no, it's cool" Chris says

Harold walks in with a mustache drawn onto his face. he sits down at the table while everyone except y/n and Duncan (because they are asleep) laughs

"what?" Harold asks in confusion

"someone messed with your face dude" Geoff tells him

Harold picks up a spoon and uses it as a mirror "hey, sweet stash" 

y/n picks up her head glaring tiredly "if you mother fuckers don't shut the hell up I will sneak into your rooms and make sure ya'll can never speak again" she threatens before putting her head back on the table and falling asleep again

Gwen walks in and everyone from her team starts cheering for her quietly in fear of upsetting y/n

Gwen walks yo her table and sits down "I'm so tired I can't feel my face" she says before falling asleep

y/n confessional~ 

"Our team sucks ass. it composes of a surfer boy, a guy who is somehow a nerd and an idiot at the same time, a prissy pink princess bitch, the girl who's in love with Mr. surfer boy, tweedle dee, tweedle dumbass, a guy who's in love with bleach for brains, a crazy psychopath, an animal lover, and sir lover boy. not all of them suck. the animal lover, surfer boy, and his lover, the psychopath, and lover boy don't suck. the rest are either way too full of themselves or idiots. I doubt anyone on our team is gonna make it to the final three. "

confessional end~

Heather is going over the alliance rules with Beth and Lindsey making the last rule completely unfair

Heather starts making fun of the killer bass causing Courtney to throw food at her which misses and hits Gwen in the face instead

~time skip brought to you by my bisexual ass, loving Gwen~

all the campers are standing in a dodgeball court as Duncan and y/n walk in late together 

~y/n confessional~

"is it weird how much time I've been spending with Duncan? I mean yeah he's my friend and all but like... I have been spending a lot of time with him. he's one of the few people here I actually like. he's also probably one of the only names I actually know. I don't know if I mentioned this before but I'm terrible with names so I give everyone nicknames."

~confessional end~

y/n and Duncan collapse on the bleachers half asleep. Duncan is face down and y/n is face up

"Wake either of us up and ya'll are dead," y/n says before falling asleep

Courtney points an accusing finger at Harold "This is all your fault you know. you and your snoring face!"

"It's called a medical condition. god!" Harold says before chef blows a whistle causing everyone to shut up. y/n glares at chef before falling asleep again 

~y/n confessional~

"I didn't kill Chef because I like him. if someone like Courtney blew that whistle I wouldn't hesitate a second"

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